I have done a lot of modifications to a template and have it working very well until.....

I noticed this morning a problem that really confuses me. My main index page text shows on all sub catagory pages untill the sub-sub catagory index page. See www.labgeardirect.com/catalog to see what i mean.

I have tested a new cart installation and found that going to www.mysitename.com causes the page includes/templates/templatename/tempales/tpl_index_default.php to display the center column contents. (verified this via moding template and viewing changes)

Then when you click on a category it uses includes/templates/templatename/tempales/tpl_index_catagories.php to display center column contents. (again, verified by moding template and viewing changes)

After testing on a fresh installtion, i tested after each contribution that i have added to my active site and found that none of them seem to becauseing the problem on the test version.

I have found thru testing that my site uses only uses the tpl_index_catagories.php file. (agian tested via making mods to files and the testing the view)

tpl_index_default.php is not used for the main page of the site.

I have sorted thru the code to see if i could find the problem but have had no luck finding what file calls each of these two files. I have alos gone thru all the admin settings for both the test and active sites and not found any differences.

Does anyone have any idea where i should look next to try and correct this problem. I makes the site look very unprofessional.

Thanks in advance
