Change the setting for: Show "Ask a Question" button
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Hi All,
Have an issue with one part link below allowing Ask a Question screen to come up but others not working and would assume that it would have to be a database issue.
another part on eth same page will not load the Ask a Question. This was installed by someone else and as usual I am thinking is was done incorrectly as I have not touched the back end till now.
This is one other product that is not working.
Any asistance would be great because I have spent a quite a few dollars getting other people to do things and most of the time I get other issues when they fimnish.
From what I can 'see', it's not the ask-a-question handling, it's whatever URL mangler you're using that isn't sending the item's products_id in some situations.
It kind-of looks like one of those 'situations' is when the zenid is appended to the URL, like in your last example.
This is the programe that is being used is and the same person installed both modules
Ceon URI Mappings Manager
Can it be corrected so that Ask a Question works correctly?
I am not very happy on what the person has done the on the site and it appear to be very messy and hard to correct what he has done.
It looks like the Ask a qurestion module is now working as it should thanks to DrByte information supplied.
Thanks again for your assistance with my site issues it is greatly appreciated.
Ask a Question and Contact Us template files are nearly identical.
Why not de-bloat the Zen Cart package and merge these two files into one?
Just a suggestion.
Steve BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...