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  1. #31

    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    As an alternative, dwno's universal-time-and-date modification ( could be implemented in the core code instead of the existing time-and-date code. Which would seem to fix the problem on hosts that have their locale correctly configured.[*]

    I've been using his mod since it was released and it seems to work quite well, even when I shift the date between the US and Australian date format and back again.

    ( * = yes, this means a bit of manual work if your shop is in a different country to your hosting provider, but it's a nicer, one-stop solution to all these annoying time-and-date problems we keep having.)

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Okay, here's a request... any chance that the actual coupon code could be shown on the report? This way, if the coupon was offered by a particular designer, when calculating sales, I would know to deduct the coupon amount off of that particular designer's products. I could just have the designers all start their coupon codes with their initials so it would be easy to recognize who they belonged to. Doable? In a future release, maybe?

  3. #33
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    Sydney, Australia
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by BlindSide
    I have no doubt that is the cause. Post the details when you have them.
    I'm a little late with my reply, but unfortunately I cannot replicate this as I have gone back to the old version for asthetic and usability reasons - just seems to suit me better and does what I want. Thanks Frank.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by eztrumpet
    Thanks for the great work but anyway to merge more information to this report, I need customer's address, maybe in other way I can customize my sales report. Thank you very much.
    I didnt address this before, so here you go. I think you're stretching the goal of this report beyond its intent. It's called Sales Report for a reason; it's reporting on the flow of product and income in your store. You should be looking for dollars and cents when you sue this report, not order details.

    You could of course edit the report to include the customer address, but I would recommend you step abck and define what exactly you're trying to do.
    Frank Koehl
    "Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult"

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by digidiva-kathy
    Okay, here's a request... any chance that the actual coupon code could be shown on the report? This way, if the coupon was offered by a particular designer, when calculating sales, I would know to deduct the coupon amount off of that particular designer's products. I could just have the designers all start their coupon codes with their initials so it would be easy to recognize who they belonged to. Doable? In a future release, maybe?
    You're asking for something that's pretty specific to your needs and won't match across a wide variety of stores. Doable, sure, but not for a public release. If you interested in some $ponsored modifications, though, send me a PM.
    Frank Koehl
    "Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult"

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by langer
    I'm a little late with my reply, but unfortunately I cannot replicate this as I have gone back to the old version for asthetic and usability reasons - just seems to suit me better and does what I want. Thanks Frank.
    Whatever works for you.
    Frank Koehl
    "Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult"

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Actually, you'd be amazed at how many stores are doing EXACTLY what I am doing and how much this would be used. However, if this does need to be a sponsored mod, I have no issue with that. As a sponsored mod, though, could it be shared with others who do what I do?

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by langer
    I'm a little late with my reply, but unfortunately I cannot replicate this as I have gone back to the old version for asthetic and usability reasons - just seems to suit me better and does what I want. Thanks Frank.
    I might be with you on that too.. Don't get me wrong, the new version is fantastic.. but its almost too much info for what I need and the old way of date drop downs instead of the spiffycal was much faster and crossbrowser compatible.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Thanks for a great contrib Frank ...
    Actually using the JavaScript menu does not work, I did try this method several times, the only way I can make it work between two dates (UK date format in my admin and store remember) is to MANUALLY enter the dates in the american date format.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlindSide
    The date will automatically fill in properly if you use the JavaScript calendar option, but I see what you mean. I may add the usual "mm/dd/yyyy" text near the inputs.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Sales report 2.0

    Hey I'd like to save it so I can send it to my manufacturers - so they can each see what sold, but when I download it as a .csv file I get the following when I open it:
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/mnt/w0201/d36/s32/b0271d37/www/store/admin/includes/classes/sales_report.php</b> on line <b>892</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_multisort(): Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in <b>/mnt/w0201/d36/s32/b0271d37/www/store/admin/includes/classes/sales_report.php</b> on line <b>899</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/mnt/w0201/d36/s32/b0271d37/www/store/admin/includes/classes/sales_report.php</b> on line <b>914</b><br />

    What Did I do wrong I mean all I did was hit save ...
    Thanks bunches.
    Take scrapbooking to a whole new level - GO DIGITAL -


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