Yes it does.
Yes it does.
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I simply make the following selections
Stage 1 [Gather and filter data] - Select custom date, 04/08/2006 and end date inclusisve 04/09/2006 - then choose date of order purchase and leave others as 'doesn't matter'
Stage 2 - Leave time frame daily selected, and Choouse time frame totals as teh option (oldest on top)
Steage 3 [Generate report] I leave everything as is and click 'show me the money' button
The result is one item, ie one order ... we had over 60 orders in that period!
Something isn't quite as it should be, unless I made a wrong selection above ?
Could it be a date format problem?
The Custom Calendar thing doesn't work on Opera. Tho that might be opera's problem... I think that problem has existed for years in the core code "Specials" data selector as well.
Would be nice if it assumed today's date as the ending date if you fill in only the starting date.
All in all .. its fantastic ! :) Thank you
Templates: Silverfish | Blue Admin | TruBlu
Contribs: USPS AutoFill | Column Divider Pro | Tabbed Products Pro | Main Image Replacer
DoNaTiOnS WeLcOmE!
Well I can't make it work following the steps above in either Firefox or Internet Explorer, would somebody kindly state the steps to follow to show the monthly (daily) totals between two dates, thanks.
I first must say that having used one of the previous Sales Report mods for a number of months, I think that Sales Report is one of my favorite and most used mods. I find it really useful as I am a stat junkie and so around Sales Report v. 5.7 or so I'd like to see 3-D bar charts, histograms, and projection functions included in the mod.![]()
Now my question about this that I didn't see answered elsewhere - how do I change the default setting for report production? I'd like to be able to run the report quickly without changing three or four options everytime...for example, I'd like "screen display" to be default rather than "print format" and "timeframe totals" without the individual product display. Thanks.
Its in the readme.. you can edit the included language file and change it all in there.Originally Posted by Phid
Templates: Silverfish | Blue Admin | TruBlu
Contribs: USPS AutoFill | Column Divider Pro | Tabbed Products Pro | Main Image Replacer
DoNaTiOnS WeLcOmE!
wow, thanx for these update! what a great mod! really looking forward to it... i managed to update these mod to be compatible with Info at a Glance by Reesy and it works!but i can't resolve the following IE error;
Line: 365
Char: 95
Error: Expected ")"
Code: 0
URL: http://localhost/eshop/admin/super_orders.php
or shall I start a new thread for this?!
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't... YOU ARE RIGHT."[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]GOOD LUCK !!![/FONT]
Open it in Firefox and goto Tools->Javascript Console to see a better explanation. If you email it to me I can take a look. qhomezone at gmail.comOriginally Posted by tajul_ashyqin
It looks like it's something as simple as a missing parenthesis on line 365 of the javascript file
Templates: Silverfish | Blue Admin | TruBlu
Contribs: USPS AutoFill | Column Divider Pro | Tabbed Products Pro | Main Image Replacer
DoNaTiOnS WeLcOmE!
thanx Q! i will send the appropriate files as soon as possible for you to see it!![]()
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't... YOU ARE RIGHT."[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]GOOD LUCK !!![/FONT]
Solved it now, unistalled the new version 2.0 and re-installed v1.4.1 !