If you are using the get_discount_info() function from 1.1 to advertise your better together discounts and you are using add_cat_to_cat(), please edit ot_better_together.php and change line 286 from $disc_link .= to $disc_link =

Do not use the dot equals assignment for creating $disc_link. So the whole else block should look like this:

else if ( ($li->flavor == CAT_TO_CAT) &&
                ($li->ident1 == $cat) ) {
              $match = 1;
              $disc_link = '<a href="'.zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cPath=' . $li->ident2).'">'. zen_get_category_name($li->ident2, $_SESSION['languages_id']).'</a>';
This will be fixed in the next release.
