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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by trollboy View Post
    I just installed this mod and have the following problem.
    When "Add Quantity for Product Variant" I can select the varant from the drop down menus of attributes OK, but then when the variant is listed as
    Stock ID Variant Quantity in Stock etc
    all the variant are just listed as ":".
    Presumably this column is supposed to show the value of the attribute.

    Now I have no way of telling which variant is which,

    Any ideas?
    There is a fix for this in a maintenance release 4.2 of this mod awaiting approval from the Zen Cart team. I'm afraid that you will need to delete out the corrupted variants and re-enter them as the details that don't appear on your screen won't be in your database either. To upgrade simply replace all the files in the old mod with those in this version. It's a one-to-one match.
    Kuroi Web Design and Development | Twitter

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  2. #12
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    Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5


    I installed the Stock by Attribute module, but I have a question about how it works. I have a situation where I have products with a couple attributes that affect the stock, and a couple of attributes that do not affect stock. For example, color and size affect stock, but monogram style and monogram text do not.

    I would like to be able to control the stock for the different combinations of color and size, ignoring the monogramming options.

    Is this possible with this module?

    When I click the "add a product variant" link, it makes me choose a value for each attribute. Is there a way to just choose the attributes that you want to affect stock?


  3. #13
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by blake06 View Post
    I have a situation where I have products with a couple attributes that affect the stock, and a couple of attributes that do not affect stock. For example, color and size affect stock, but monogram style and monogram text do not.

    I would like to be able to control the stock for the different combinations of color and size, ignoring the monogramming options.

    Is this possible with this module?

    When I click the "add a product variant" link, it makes me choose a value for each attribute. Is there a way to just choose the attributes that you want to affect stock?
    Hi Blake

    Firstly you should find that the monogram text presents no problem. As it a text field you should find that the drop down menu presents only one option and so can be safely ignored. Unsightly yes, extra work, not really.

    The monogram style question however, is much more significant. I now call this the gift wrapping question. It crops up in an amazing varied number of ways and situations: gift wrapping, bow color, container type, ring setting, frame type, etc. - all basically where one or more attributes are somehow independent of the main product. There is an archive thread (discussion starts from post 199) that offers a workable solution. However, there are no plans to include this in the current mod, though it will hopefully be considered for inclusion into the next major release of Zen Cart along with attribute stocks generally.
    Kuroi Web Design and Development | Twitter

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  4. #14
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    I am just learning to use/mod zen cart, so this may be an obvious or previously discussed option, but I have not seen it in my readings.

    The idea may not work for all "Gift Wrap" problems, but is it possible to create a product which does not show up in the catalog, but is offerred to the customer before check out, maybe even offered only for certain products?

    I'm still figuring out how to configure the store at a basic level, but wouldn't an option like the one I describe allow you to only have stock relevant attributes, and offer gift wrapping as a separate product at $0.00.

    If the offer could be tied to only certain items, it would even work for something like monograms being offered for shirts, but not other products.

    Just a thought...



    After posting, I looked at the downloads and I wonder if Cross Sell under the marketing add ons could server this purpose...
    Last edited by neo314; 19 Oct 2006 at 01:13 AM.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5


    Thanks for the link. I'll probably end up taking a similar approach to what was suggested on that thread.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by neo314 View Post
    The idea may not work for all "Gift Wrap" problems, but is it possible to create a product which does not show up in the catalog, but is offerred to the customer before check out, maybe even offered only for certain products?

    I'm still figuring out how to configure the store at a basic level, but wouldn't an option like the one I describe allow you to only have stock relevant attributes, and offer gift wrapping as a separate product at $0.00.

    If the offer could be tied to only certain items, it would even work for something like monograms being offered for shirts, but not other products.

    ... I wonder if Cross Sell under the marketing add ons could server this purpose
    Steven, that's an excellent suggestion, since it more accurately reflects what is happening in many of these situations. That's to say, the extra is, at time of sale, a separate product or service with its own or unlimited stock (even if like monogramming it becomes an intrinsic part of the product prior to delivery).

    It wouldn't work in all cases, e.g. ring settings couldn't easily be presented separately from the gems being sold, but it would work in most.

    I'm not personally familar with Cross Sell so I don't know how easily it could be adapted, but I'm sure that there are other subscribers to this thread who are and who will hopefully jump in to extend this idea.

    Welcome to Zen Cart.
    Kuroi Web Design and Development | Twitter

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  7. #17
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    I have some products for which I was to keep track of stock by attributes,
    and some for which I want to keep track of total stock regardless of attributes.
    Is it possible to decide which products should appear in the stock by attributes list?
    I have installed the mod and all my products with attributes appear there.
    If don't put in numbers for product variants then it treats my total stock as zero.

    Do I have to either keep track of the stock of all products via attrabutes or none, or can I mix and match?

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    I have just noticed that this module is not substracting my stock level when I have received an order. My settings in admin are:

    Check stock level true
    Subtract stock true
    Allow Checkout false

    I am not sure when this has stopped working, as before the 1.3.5 release of ZenCart it worked fine. And have upgraded to 'stock_by_attributes_4.2' when I noticed that no attributes were displayed with the older version after upgrade.

    I also have noticed that I have 2 entries of 'products by attributes stock' in my manager under the catalog entry.

    What can I do to fix it?

    Kind regards,

    Time is but an illusion, there is only "now"!

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    I have installed this twice and after inserting many attributes stock, both were not working anymore. Suddenly the page can`t show and I am not able to insert no more attributes stock. Do you have any idea about that.


  10. #20
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    I am looking for solutions for a friend of mine who wants to list property on a website for people to rent. I wondered if this stock by attribute would allow you to list a property and use availability attributes to allow people to select a set of dates.

    My question made simple is does this mod allow you to setup availability of attributes?



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