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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Hi Paul - Concerning 1.3-pre2: You mentioned *unfinished* code to show products images and desciptions. Will this version show images? (Using it at my own risk, of course)


  2. #22
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MeltDown View Post
    Hi Paul - Concerning 1.3-pre2: You mentioned *unfinished* code to show products images and desciptions. Will this version show images?
    Yep it will :-)

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    in extra_configures/ there is a pricelist.php file that contains some settings for the images/decriptions:
    define('PL_IMGDESC_EXTRALINES', 5);
    // can not use IMAGE_PRODUCT_LISTING_HEIGHT and IMAGE_PRODUCT_LISTING_WIDTH since these are not yet defined here (?)
    define('PL_IMAGE_PRODUCT_HEIGHT', '80');
    define('PL_IMAGE_PRODUCT_WIDTH', '100');
    PL_IMGDESC_EXTRALINES is a correction for the amount of space the images/decriptions take (to correct the "line counter" which determines when the page is full).

    (and the "// can not use.... " remark can be ignored, not sure why I added it, the image size settings seem to work fine after all)

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Quote Originally Posted by paulm View Post
    It's a configuration file setting in 1.3-pre2 (it switches both the logo and text on each page on/off, maybe separate switches should be added for the logo and text)...

    About the documentation: sorry, but don't expect to much on that part. It consumes lots of time for me to write docs, and it certainly is not my favorite way to pass the time ;-)
    Hey Paul,

    Thanks for the note on commenting out the NAVBAR_TITLE define. Wondering why I could not figure that out myself. Doh! ;-)

    Regarding the define file, where is "%s" variable called from?
    For example in:
    define('TEXT_PL_HEADER_TITLE', '%s Printable Price List');

    Yes I vote for separate switches on displaying logo and text. But not a big priority. I can easily manually edit out the logo/text myself if needed.

    And your documentation is very thorough. I was just inquiring if any special points to be aware of in v.1.23, if any significant differences from the readme v.1.20. But I suspect all the info I need to read is in the readme history and this support thread.

    I like the idea of being able to toggle on product images and/or product descriptions, if needed. I will sit still and play with your v.1.23 for awhile and wait for reports to come in on 1.30pre2.

    Checking out the archive support thread I can now see you have been working on this mod for awhile! Cool!

    Thanks again,


  5. #25
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Most wanted (so the the features mentioned below are not implemented yet!) features are:

    * custom columns for additional data
    * hide prices for non approved customers
    * show prices to the store owner only

    And more?
    Some more questions/ideas...

    Is therea recommended method to control access to the pricelist page to logged in users only?

    And have the pricelist link show up in info sidebox (and elsewhere) for logged in customers only?

    Or have the pricelist link show up for everyone, including in the shop sitemap. But if pricelist link is clicked while not logged in then make the browser redirect to login/create account page, and after logging in, redirect to the price list page.


  6. #26
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Woodymon View Post

    Yes I vote for separate switches on displaying logo and text. But not a big priority. I can easily manually edit out the logo/text myself if needed.

    Paul, Thanks SO MUCH for adding photos to the Pricelist. It is a fantastic module!

    Paul / woodymon - concerning manually editing-out the text: How would I do that?



  7. #27
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MeltDown View Post

    Paul / woodymon - concerning manually editing-out the text: How would I do that?


    To Clarify - If I set the "define('PL_IMGDESC_EXTRALINES'," to 0 I still have quite a bit of text being displayed. is it possible to have just have the settings from the original Pricelist (product link, model, qnty, price) and a photo?



  8. #28
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    Not much time now and I will get back to some other things later, but PL_IMGDESC_EXTRALINES is just a correction for the line/row counter that determines when a new page has to start. Normally on a page would fit 30 lines/rows for example, but when lines/rows are added to show images and/or descriptions these will take up more space than "normal" lines/rows. So if your images take the space of 5 lines for example the PL_IMGDESC_EXTRALINES has to be set to 5 (and then the price list script should start a new page just before the page is full).

    Depending on the amount of other data you want to print (and how much space it takes) it might be smarter (save some space) to "float" the image left or right to the other data. But that is not how it's curently programmed.

    And printed images will always take up more space than a singel row of product data, won't they?

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    This is great module!Can someone guide me how to add wholesale prices to this module?At this time,it just can print retail prices .

    Thanks for help,

  10. #30

    Default Re: Printable Price list :: support thread

    This a great module. - Many Thanks.

    Just a few queries though for the stupid like me!

    Can anybody please explain what the various CSS entries actually amend (ie which elements of the print/display they refer to)?

    When mine prints off I get truncation of the product description for some products.

    How can I make the box 'grow' to fit a large description please?

    Also I have had to cut out the 'Model' field to fit in large product names. - Again I need the fields to 'grow' where necessary.

    Any help please would be much appreciated?

    PS - getting tios out to an RTF file would be a complete bonus!



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