
My site is here http://www.sorce.co.uk/logo%2Dgolf%2Dballs/

The section in question is the main header nav.

I have tweaked the code in tpl_header.php so all the links show, as you can, the Shopping Cart link shows even though no products have been added to cart.

The are two elements that furnish the header nav, the two curved (at the end) bars above and below the links.

The space between the top bar and the links will do, but there is too much space between the links and the bottom bar.

Another issue again is that when you view this on Firefox, there is no space at all between the links and top, bottom bar, which confuses things even more.

I have tweaked <div id="navMainWrapper"> and <div id="navMain"> but to no avail and have also messed with the UL classes, but still no luck.

Anyone have any ideas?