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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Default Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    I installed the latest version of Map Pricing onZen Cart 1.3.7 and everything works great! Awesome tool!

    I do have a question?

    Is their a way to upload the map enabled and map pricing attributes via Easy Populate?

    I have allot of products.

    Questions About Manufacturers MSRP, MAP, Co-op rules and regulations I might be able to help answer those questions. I am an Authorized Retailer/E-Tailer with most of my Manufactures.

    you can email me.

  2. #32
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    Mar 2006
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    Default Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    Anyone have a way for a java script box, like this one to pop up when the user wants to see the below MAP price of the item? I see on amazon that they use this.

    It is a very cool way to display the price and offer the option to add to cart without leaving the page. Anyone have code available that can be modified to work like this with Zen Cart?


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Tampa, Florida
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    Default Re: My Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    I just installed the MAP 1.1 MOD and in the header I'm getting a long error msg.
    "m " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DISCOUNT_QUANTITY . " where products_id='" . (int)$product_id . "' and discount_qty != 0"); //echo 'zen_get_discount_qty: ' . $product_id . ' - ' . $check_qty . '
    '; if ($discounts_qty_query->RecordCount() > 0 and $check_qty > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } //// // set the products_price_sorter function zen_update_products_price_sorter($product_id) { global $db; $products_price_sorter = zen_get_products_actual_price($product_id); $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_price_sorter='" . zen_db_prepare_input($products_price_sorter) . "' where products_id='" . (int)$product_id . "'"); } //// // salemaker categories array function zen_parse_salemaker_categories($clist) { $clist_array = explode(',', $clist); // make sure no duplicate category IDs exist which could lock the server in a loop $tmp_array = array(); $n = sizeof($clist_array); for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { if (!in_array($clist_array[$i], $tmp_array)) { $tmp_array[] = $clist_array[$i]; } } return $tmp_array; } //// // update salemaker product prices per category per product function zen_update_salemaker_product_prices($salemaker_id) { global $db; $zv_categories = $db->Execute("select sale_categories_selected from " . TABLE_SALEMAKER_SALES . " where sale_id = '" . (int)$salemaker_id . "'"); $za_salemaker_categories = zen_parse_salemaker_categories($zv_categories->fields['sale_categories_selected']); $n = sizeof($za_salemaker_categories); for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $update_products_price = $db->Execute("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where categories_id='" . (int)$za_salemaker_categories[$i] . "'"); while (!$update_products_price->EOF) { zen_update_products_price_sorter($update_products_price->fields['products_id']); $update_products_price->MoveNext(); } } } ?> art.'); ?>"

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
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    Default Trouble in Internet Explorer (what's new)

    This is a wonderful addon. Works great in Firefox but when I try it in Internet Explorer, nothing happens when I click on "add to cart" - not a good way to increase my sales

    Anyone else ever have this problem? I would love to use this addon, just need to fix this small problem.

    Any and all help is much appreciated.


  5. #35
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    Feb 2007
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    Default Re: My Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    CANCEL that. It was not an issue with this addon at all. We had some issues with some hidden comment fields that I didn't realize until I starting testing our online store after installing this addon.

    So, in fact, installing this addon helped me discover a hidden probably that was already present with our store.

    Thanks again - great work!

  6. #36
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    Mar 2007
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    Default Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    Quote Originally Posted by cartdiscounts View Post
    I installed the latest version of Map Pricing onZen Cart 1.3.7 and everything works great! Awesome tool!

    I do have a question?

    Is their a way to upload the map enabled and map pricing attributes via Easy Populate?

    I have allot of products.

    Questions About Manufacturers MSRP, MAP, Co-op rules and regulations I might be able to help answer those questions. I am an Authorized Retailer/E-Tailer with most of my Manufactures.

    you can email me.

    I have the same question. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks

  7. #37
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    Mar 2007
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    red flag Re: My Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    Quote Originally Posted by admcompa View Post
    I have the same question. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks
    Still Looking for an answer. Is there a way to upload our MAP Prices via Easy Populate? If So, Can someone explain what we need to do? This would greatly help. Thanks


  8. #38
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    Mar 2007
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    Default Re: My Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    Anybody working on easy populate. I need it to be able to upload my map prices to my products. If someone can make this work I would be willing to pay some for it. Thanks


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
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    Default Re: Map Pricing

    Anybody working on easy populate. I need it to be able to upload my map prices to my products. If someone can make this work I would be willing to pay some for it. Thanks


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Tampa, Florida
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    Default Re: My Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).

    I don't know if you are using the standard version or advance, but in advance add the fields you want added to easypopulate_export.php. Below is an excert:

    "case 'store':

    $ep_file_types = array();

    $result = ep_query('SELECT type_id, type_name FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCT_TYPES);

    for ($i = 0; $product_type_row = $result->getRow($i, ECLIPSE_DB_ASSOC); $i++)


    $ep_file_types[$product_type_row['type_id']] = $product_type_row['type_name'];


    $iii = 0;

    $filelayout = array(

    'v_products_id' => $iii++,

    'v_products_model' => $iii++,

    'v_products_type' => $iii++,

    'v_products_image' => $iii++,

    'v_map_price' => $iii++,

    'v_products_upc' => $iii++ ,

    'v_product_isbn' => $iii++,
    'v_map_enabled' => $iii++,

    This is working for me.


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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR