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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Vancouver, BC
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Create Account - modify existing fields or add extra fields?

    Hi there,

    I've modified the fields on login page, changing the 'company' field in create account to ask for the customers 'occupation' instead. This seemed to be a good alternative to attempting to add a new field for this entry.

    However, I have only changed the name of the field so the term company is still scattered thoughout the code (things like ACCOUNT_COMPANY == 'true' and ENTRY_COMPANY). No problem for the login fields and the admin area but it is used in other areas, like the customers address. So, their address might read:

    Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
    First and Last Name
    City, Postal Code
    State, Country

    I've found code like this:

    <address><?php echo zen_address_format($addresses['format_id'], $addresses['address'], true, ' ', '<br />'); ?></address>
    but I can't figure out where the info is called up from and where I could go in to change it so it doesn't display the occupation (company) in any page where the customer would view their address.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or is this work around pointless and there is actually an easy way to add extra fields to the login so I could create a real 'occupation' field and put 'company' back as it was?

    Thanks for any advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Vancouver, BC
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    Default Re: Create Account - modify existing fields or add extra fields?

    Ok, I think I found the answer here:
    Very detailed instructions on how to add fields. I'll give it a shot!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Default Re: Create Account - modify existing fields or add extra fields?

    Does anyone have updated information on how to add fields? The link above doesn't work anymore. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sunny Coast, Australia
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    Default Re: Create Account - modify existing fields or add extra fields?

    This add-on will do just what you want to achieve. It is comprehensive and I am not sure if it is compatible with 1.3.9d. Check this thread for compatibility.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Orange County, California
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    Default Re: Create Account - modify existing fields or add extra fields?

    The mod above is very confusing, i'm not entirely sure it works.

    I just recently released a brand new add-on that easily adds a new field. check it out!



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