I got this error message installing a brand-new copy of ZenCart through cPanel yesterday, and it was version 1.5.1. I immediately updated it to 1.5.5f, but the error is still there. I've already done quite a lot of work on it, so I don't want to have to start over from scratch. Please help? Thank you! Below is the information it's giving me.

Server Host: cloud1040.hostgator.com (
Server OS: Linux 3.10.0-693.17.1.2.ELK.el6.x86_64
Server Date: 05/06/2018 06:56:39
Server Up Time: 06:56:39 up 44 days, 8:49, 0 users, load average: 0.03, 0.01, 0.00
HTTP Server: Apache
PHP Version: 5.5.37 (Zend: 2.5.0)
PHP File Uploads: On
Upload Max Size: 64M
PHP Memory Limit: 256M
POST Max Size: 64M
Database: MySQL 5.6.32-78.1
Database Host: localhost (
Database Date: 05/06/2018 06:56:39
Database Data Size: 2,045 kB
Database Index Size: 739 kB
MySQL Slow Query Log Status: On
MySQL Slow Query Log File: /var/lib/mysql/cloud1040-slow.log

Zen Cart
Zen Cart 1.5.5f
Database Patch Level: 1.5.1
v1.5.1 [2018-05-05 16:54:10] (New Installation)
v1.5.1 [2018-05-05 16:54:10] (New Installation)