We're in (hopefully) final testing before going live with our site.
We recently had an extra box show up on the account sign-up page under the state box and above the zip code box. It has a black, instead of red star beside of it. You can click in the box and the cursor will move there but you cannot input any text into it. In addition, there's no text identifying what the box is for. Consequently you can't fill it in, and because it's starred (mandatory) you can't complete the page. When you try to go on you get an error message saying that you've not completed a mandatory box (although again it does not tell you what's supposed to go in there. I've checked through all the settings and have not been able to discover what's making it show up.
This was not in there before we upgraded to the latest version. I know because I made myself an account that I use for testing, while on the previous version.
Hopefully someones seen or experienced this an knows how to correct it.
Paul's Sports