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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Charlottesville, VA
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    Default Re: PhP question about a line of code in includes/classes/order.php

    Dr. Byte,

    Thanks for the update!

    Well, there is progress at least. The email now displays the formatted labels but it isn't passing the values.

    Payment Method
    Purchase Order
    with the following information:

    Account name: %s

    Account number: %s

    PO Number: %s
    just %s no values.

    This is using includes/modules/payment/po.php
    class constructor
    $this->email_footer = MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER;
    per your suggestion above.

    If I use the old class constructor, I get blanks for values.
    $this->email_footer = sprintf(MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER, 
    $this->info['account_name'], $this->info['account_number'], 
    MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER is defined thus, in includes/languages/english/modules/payment/po.php:
      define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER', 'with the following 
    information:' . "\n" . '
      Account name:  %s' . "\n" . '
      Account number:  %s' . "\n" . '
      PO Number:  %s');
    Any suggestions? We're on the brink of success!


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Charlottesville, VA
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    Default Re: PhP question about a line of code in includes/classes/order.php

    error in what I posted... please delete previous post.

    Dr. Byte,

    Thanks for the update!

    Well, there is progress at least. The email now displays the formatted labels but it isn't passing the values.

    Payment Method
    Purchase Order
    with the following information:

    Account name:

    Account number:

    PO Number:
    just labels, no values.

    This is using includes/modules/payment/po.php
    class constructor
    $this->email_footer = sprintf(MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER, 
    $this->info['account_name'], $this->info['account_number'], 
    per your suggestion above.

    If I use the old class constructor, I get %s for values.
    $this->email_footer = MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER;
    MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER is defined thus, in includes/languages/english/modules/payment/po.php:
      define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER', 'with the following 
    information:' . "\n" . '
      Account name:  %s' . "\n" . '
      Account number:  %s' . "\n" . '
      PO Number:  %s');
    Any suggestions? We're on the brink of success!


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Charlottesville, VA
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    Default Re: PhP question about a line of code in includes/classes/order.php

    hmm, I never look at the text versions of the order confirmation emails, but it does appear that the method I have been using does not work in text emails. The order information displays as
    Payment Method
    Purchase Order

    with the following information:
    Account name: %s
    Account number: %s
    PO Number: %s
    I'll probably be paying for custom code again to get this problem sorted out.

    I sure wish ZC had a purchase order payment module built in.



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