Does anyone know how I would enable all categories/sub/sub-categories? Thank you.
Does anyone know how I would enable all categories/sub/sub-categories? Thank you.
Hello again....does anyone monitor this thread? I need help with this mod. Is there anyway to increase the levels of categories/sub categories shown in the drop menu? Please help. Thank you!!
Uploaded and now available as requested.Perhaps you should upload it again with this fix?
I have the latest version of this mod installed. However it only goes down one level of subcategories. I would like to know how to show deeper levels. For example:
---------- SUB CATEGORY
-------------- SUB CATEGORY
Any advice? Thank you.
I have the latest mod installed, I am using 1.39h
I am only able to view the first 2 categories in the drop down list. Why aren't the rest showing? Help?
Okay after installing and reinstalling..and reinstalling I gave up.
I tried the previous versoion and viola it works!!
Just one question, how do i rename the sidebox heading? Right now it's blank. I can't figure it out. Thank you!
I have this issue in my test store as well...? click here to see...
Fixed it for my purposes..
I switched this line -To this -Code:$title = ($parent_id == '0') ? BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES : zen_get_category_name($parent_id,(int)$_SESSION['languages_id']);//If the parent id is 0 then use the default zen define for the box heading, otherwise use the category nameCode:$title = BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES; //($parent_id == '0') ? BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES : zen_get_category_name($parent_id,(int)$_SESSION['languages_id']);//If the parent id is 0 then use the default zen define for the box heading, otherwise use the category name
Using this theory you could addto your YOURTEMPLATE/english.php file, then replace where I put BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES with your new BOX_HEADING_REPLACEWITHWHATYOUWANT and have the box title show anything you want.Code:define('BOX_HEADING_REPLACEWITHWHATYOUWANT','What you want to display);
Can anyone please tell me if im doing something wrong? I am trying to install this drop down box, I move the downloaded folder into the server using filezilla (and also rename the YOUR_TEMPLATE to my template name where needed) but it doesnt appear in the Layout Boxes Controller.
I am new to using Zen Cart and I managed to install the eBay Exporter without a problem but when ever I try to install any sidebox to the website it never appears for me.
Can some please help me with this problem???