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  1. #21
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Thread

    ok so i have everything up and a test product now i have added a couple other mods, which overrite nothing, and applezen as a template....but can not see the category i have setup (yes i did set it up correctly) can not click on the top tab and go to my account was wondering if someone could help me take a look at this and see what i did wrong.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Thread

    scratch that it was a bug in the template had to redo

  3. #23
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by shopyoungway View Post
    one question what would be conflicting between the IH handler and multisite i can install multisite on aclean install of zen and login and signup works, and visa versa on the IH everything works, but combining the two and something happens i can sign up or sign in. anyone else run into this?
    I had installed the Image Handler, before try multisite.

    Even before multisite, I had problems with java.

    Well, I tried multisite; I think this is not the philosophy of Zen Cart.

    The main idea should be :

    The above site is using tabs, a very nice module but with some bugs.

    So, as for the main domain, there should be a specific tab to drop down a list of all the other stores that want to sell a specific product.

    There should be a new record in configuration, having to do with stores id.

    Then another modification in attributes, for any store owner to list all products and decide witch products to shell.

    And many many other changes, in templates and conditions procedures.

    But...the main idea is that someone who wants to open a brand new store, he could create a special account in the main store; this way he could take a new store id and create his administration area, different from the main store.

    There could be a way for zen, when some one creates a special account ( a new store with the same data base ) [new store owner could provide a special number up to 6 charachters] to create new fields in nedeed tables WHERE fields name would be the store owner AND fields value the special number.

    I know there should be MANY MANY changes, to many files but this way you make a base store with thousands of products and give someone the chance to make his own store, select products from database, and even add his own products to the same database, without other store owners can use them.

    ZEN CART is a chameleon and many things has to be done, but I think it is very important all users should help the community.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerome View Post
    Can't you change to folder location of the website so it points to the same folder than your first shop ?

    If you can, do that. If not, copy the folder of your first shop to your 2nd shop and it will work (but it will be twice more complicated...)
    I tried with 2 subdomains but did not work, maybe because I used a redirection script.

    The base domain is

    First subdomain is

    Second subdomain is

    In the root of the two subdomains I placed and index.html with the following content

    In the header :

    function redirTimer() {self.setTimeout ("self.location.href=redirURL;",redirTime);}
    In the body :

    <body onLoad="redirTimer()">

    This way, I have redirection but not pointing and the system doew not work.

    I will try to copy all the content of the base site to the other (except admin) to see what happens.

    I would not like [at least for the specific site] changes to the template.

    I would like to appear a drop down list of other store owners, in a tab, instead of using the site link side box.

    Another new idea is that there could be an option in admin where administrator could select the registered users and what they can sell !

    Just so simple ! And then my good friend who made the tabbed lite module would have some work to do, to make some modifications !

    This way, when admin sets on the special tab for "store owners" , they will be listed in this tab automatically, depending on if or not the administrator choosed them to shell the specific product !

    Then a buyer can choose from the list, the store he wants to buy the product, and at the end every "store owner" (always admin included) gets an email for the order. Mails should be splitted, so every "store owner" gets in his email only the products who concern him.

    This could be usefull for a wholesaller, to include all customers in the base shop, and ask them what they want to shell !

    Good idea !

    Not so difficult he ?

  5. #25
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Thread

    Hi Charis,

    All you said is interresting, but allowing people to create their shop would be something much difficult to do, mainly for reason of security

    Multisite Mudule has be made in the purpose of allowing one group of people to make multiple websites from the same zen-cart install; but teir is only one admin section and you definitly need to access FTP in order to settup correctly your templates and the sites' configuration. It would be much harder to make specifique admin sections for each shop; and the product/categories could be in conflict too ... Of course, it is possible to do. I could do it if someone would pay for it. Since, so far, nobody donated for the Multisite Module, you have to understand that I won't work for free for ever ...

    As for your redirections;

    You don't have to redirect with html or javascript.
    Instead of that, you can either rewrite the urls using the .htaccess or create virtual host that are in the "point" or "target" the same folder where your zen-cart install is. It is easy to do it with apache (as I saw that you are using apache ...)
    You can find some information about .htaccess rewriting and virtual server buy googling it (as it is a common thing with apache).

    A drop down list should be very easy to do with the site_link sidebox by just changing the template of it and making a drop down template.

    Hope this helps,


  6. #26
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Thread

    one i would like to add to above is also to do redirects just have you sys admin turn on wildcard dns this will allow you to create sub domains, etc. and it will work better.

  7. #27
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    My friend Gerome,

    thank you for your reply. Also i have to thank my friend Young.

    You know, here in Greece ( not all of us !!! ) call eachother "friend", so I hope you do not mind if I call you My friend !!

    Well, I think I can manage configure an .htaccess ; I found hundreds of sites with directions and examples.

    As I understand, MultiSite is a very very good idea, but it is not complete; or I better say with not completed instructions.

    I understand your hard work, but in my oppinion I would prefer that Zen Cart developers ( or even those who have some ideas but can not actual code , like me [new in PHP but understand how it works] ) would act as a team, as a community.

    A team is allways stronger, everybody knows that. I know there are hundreds that just visit the site, take the code and bye-bye. In my first opportunity, when my economics are better, I would like to donate at least 150 euros, to zen cart team. Even to you, when you belong to that team.

    We should not forget to thank all those who participate in this community, because without them, this would just be a common web site.

    All those Zen Cart users, who hard test everything they find here, even they do not ( or they do not think to ) donate. Because even this way, zen cart is working as a team.

    With my little English, it is very hard to expres what I want to say; forgive me for that.

    Well, everybody here is searching to find something he needs for his site or his client's site.

    And everybody is searching for someone to help him. It would just be more easier if there where teams to develop and teams to hard test.

    It is hard to believe that something like that could happen in Greece (!!!) but it can easily happen on internet, especialy here in this community.

    So, I wanted to say that I found this module here and I tried to test it. I wrote some ideas without asking from someone to help me or make my ideas code for zen cart.

    I managed to make a site with the feature of subscription, asking help in this forum, but understanding that here it is not a site that some others work for you to make money. Somebody helped me a lot, giving me the basic instructions.

    In the end ( knowing just a little PHP ) I managed to make some good modifications, understanding better how zen cart works, and taking advantage of some of it's features, so I made a site working with subscriptions without creating a module, or how you want to call it. And when I write full instructions I will post it here(in downloads).

    Maybe, some developers, find some good ideas, or they write a new module.

    For now, I do not have the time to study so much, to write more complicated code to "produce" a module.

    So, this way I give a specific idea, and somebody else who can produce a module maybe write it and post it or keep it for himself.

    Anyway, what I did works well, even it is based on modifications and I want to share it with all the community.


    I just have one question for multisites.

    Lets say that I use site links. What I see is that all links keep the same SiD. As for session id there are some configurations in admin->configuration->sessions, that one of them has to do with session recreation; should this be set to false ?

    Hope to hear from all of you soon

    Best Regards

  8. #28
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    I haven't installed this module yet, but I would like to know whether we can have 2 different shipping locations? site 1 for US location and site 2 for Canada.

    By having 2 shipping location, I can have Canada Post module for Canada and USPS module for USA.

    Currently,I have 1 site with 2 ZenCart installation with 2 separate database.

    Thank you,


  9. #29
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    Default Re: MultiSite Module Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by shopyoungway View Post
    one i would like to add to above is also to do redirects just have you sys admin turn on wildcard dns this will allow you to create sub domains, etc. and it will work better.
    I can create subdomains. But what did you do ? Did you copied any files in the subdomain or configured an .htaccess file ?


  10. #30
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    Otherwise, it can be a problem; David didn't manage to have the two domain pointing to the same folder, so he had to duplicate the files.

    Well, knowing that I can not manage my subdomains, what files should I duplicate to make multisite work ?



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