I tried logging in to the customer's account with the master password and resetting it from there but it did not work using the master password as the customer's password. I cleared cookies and still not working for me.
I tried logging in to the customer's account with the master password and resetting it from there but it did not work using the master password as the customer's password. I cleared cookies and still not working for me.
Anybody found a solution to this?
I also currently login with master password, but the whole process is time consuming.
I think the best option would be on the customers screen in admin you press a button and it changes the customer password to something common, such as 'password.' Shouldn't be terribly difficult, except for the whole encrypted part.
If anyone thinks they can do this, but needs a little motivation let me know and I will post it in the commercial section.
NEW MODULE from Le Brand Real IT Solutions :
Change any customers password easily, directly from Admin !
Just download and install the attached zip file.
Tested on 1.3.9h and working fine.
Very simple module that should work an any 1.3.x version.
Le Brand Real IT Solutions - Charis Chrisochoou
Last edited by Kim; 24 Jun 2011 at 03:59 AM.
Sorry for last message...Now I see "Change Password" in TOOLS of "ADMIN".... good module....
But there is a problem...it's not possible search a customer....I have 2400 customers...and it's impossible...
Now for to find a customer you need see all the page that there are in "Change Password"....Ist' possible put a "search" in the
"Change password" ???
Find in admin/passchange.php:
Below it add:PHP Code:
$action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '');
Change (what is now around line 34) fromPHP Code:
$passchangeCust = (DB_PREFIX.'customers');
To:PHP Code:
$db->Execute("UPDATE customers
And change (approx line 94)PHP Code:
$db->Execute("UPDATE $passchangeCust
To read:PHP Code:
$passchange_query_raw = "select customers_id, customers_lastname, customers_firstname, customers_email_address from customers order by customers_id";
I have tested this only on my installation. Your experience may vary.PHP Code:
$passchange_query_raw = "select customers_id, customers_lastname, customers_firstname, customers_email_address from $passchangeCust order by customers_id";
Question. Is there a way to add the option to be able to find the customers name? Especially if you have over 6,000 members. It makes it very difficult to find them.
By the way, thank you so much for offering this for free. It works great. Just need to be able to look up the customers.![]()
I also meant to say thank you to Studio for the fix posted. I went ahead and fixed those spots before I uploaded. It works great.
The idea in Post #7 is probably a better way BUT I would use the Encrypted Master Password mod for 1.5.0 versus the older master password mod.
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