My client added a sale using SaleMaker yesterday but noticed that it broke the display in ie of the Product Listing page. Even after the sale was deleted, the Product Categories that the sale applied to seemed to be getting fed a different font size in CSS.

Where is this added? I couldn't find it anywhere. My only recourse was to add a
#cat26_27Table {
	font-size: 68%;
to the ie-specific stylesheet to reset the font-size.

ZenCart seems to be adding a font size of "13.45pt" to the TH element of that table in the affected category, and the above style rule corrects it. But I'd like to find where it's being added in the code, and correct it. It's needle-in-haystick-ish, mind you. Anyone seen this behaviour?

If it helps, the actual Product Listing page is here.