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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    Methinks that these files also need editing:

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    "But...I still need additional images to display *vertically* under the main image."

    My code above for tpl_product_info_display.php does exactly that. Was there some reason that didn't work for you? How did you apply it?
    How does your intention differ from my site's product info page?

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    Quote Originally Posted by gjh42 View Post
    "But...I still need additional images to display *vertically* under the main image."

    My code above for tpl_product_info_display.php does exactly that. Was there some reason that didn't work for you? How did you apply it?
    How does your intention differ from my site's product info page?
    Hey Glenn,
    Thanks for fast reply.
    Yes, I did apply your code copy-and-paste.
    It messed up the site real bad creating duplicate images underneath.
    Since my site is still in test mode (I am developing everything on a local site), I can recreate the effect for you to see.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    "All other elements have margin-left: 210px; so they line up in a column to the right of the pics. See my site for a visual.
    These may give you an idea of how to set up your display.
    You may need to remove some class="clearBoth" tags."


    I didn't quite understand this last part, now I have already applied your code to the test site.
    You will see what I mean.
    Please I want to work with you to get this right.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    If you pasted in the code from my post without removing the original code blocks, you would get duplicates.
    The new div block should go in the place where the original main image code is.

    It looks like you pasted in the new below the rest of the page code. You are getting three of the additional images on the middle row because they are narrower than the main image block. There is a setting in admin for number of additional images per row.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    Quote Originally Posted by gjh42 View Post
    If you pasted in the code from my post without removing the original code blocks, you would get duplicates.
    The new div block should go in the place where the original main image code is.

    It looks like you pasted in the new below the rest of the page code. You are getting three of the additional images on the middle row because they are narrower than the main image block. There is a setting in admin for number of additional images per row.
    Yes, that's what I did, I pasted at the end of the page.
    Could you please be more specific telling me where exactly the replaced text starts and ends?
    * Page Template
    * Loaded automatically by index.php?main_page=product_info.<br />
    * Displays details of a typical product
    * @package templateSystem
    * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team
    * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
    * @license GNU Public License V2.0
    * @version $Id: tpl_product_info_display.php 5369 2006-12-23 10:55:52Z drbyte $
    //require(DIR_WS_MODULES . '/debug_blocks/product_info_prices.php');
    <div class="centerColumn" id="productGeneral">

    <!--bof Form start-->
    <?php echo zen_draw_form('cart_quantity', zen_href_link(zen_get_info_page($_GET['products_id']), zen_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product'), 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"') . "\n"; ?>
    <!--eof Form start-->

    <?php if ($messageStack->size('product_info') > 0) echo $messageStack->output('product_info'); ?>

    <!--bof Category Icon -->
    <?php if ($module_show_categories != 0) {?>
    * display the category icons
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_category_icon_display.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_category_icon_display.php'); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Category Icon -->

    <!--bof Prev/Next top position -->
    * display the product previous/next helper
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_products_next_previous.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_products_next_previous.php'); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Prev/Next top position-->

    <!--bof Main Product Image -->
    if (zen_not_null($products_image)) {
    * display the main product image
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Main Product Image-->

    <!--bof Product Name-->
    <h1 id="productName" class="productGeneral"><?php echo $products_name; ?></h1>
    <!--eof Product Name-->

    <!--bof Product Price block -->
    <h2 id="productPrices" class="productGeneral">
    // base price
    if ($show_onetime_charges_description == 'true') {
    $one_time = '<span >' . TEXT_ONETIME_CHARGE_SYMBOL . TEXT_ONETIME_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION . '</span><br />';
    } else {
    $one_time = '';
    echo $one_time . ((zen_has_product_attributes_values((int)$_GET['products_id']) and $flag_show_product_info_starting_at == 1) ? TEXT_BASE_PRICE : '') . zen_get_products_display_price((int)$_GET['products_id']);
    <!--eof Product Price block -->

    <!--bof free ship icon -->
    <?php if(zen_get_product_is_always_free_shipping($products_id_current) && $flag_show_product_info_free_shipping) { ?>
    <div id="freeShippingIcon"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCT_FREE_SHIPPING_ICON; ?></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof free ship icon -->

    <!--bof Product description -->
    <?php if ($products_description != '') { ?>
    <div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText"><?php echo stripslashes($products_description); ?></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Product description -->
    <br class="clearBoth" />

    <!--bof Add to Cart Box -->
    // do nothing
    } else {
    $display_qty = (($flag_show_product_info_in_cart_qty == 1 and $_SESSION['cart']->in_cart($_GET['products_id'])) ? '<p>' . PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT_IN_CART . $_SESSION['cart']->get_quantity($_GET['products_id']) . '</p>' : '');
    if ($products_qty_box_status == 0 or $products_quantity_order_max== 1) {
    // hide the quantity box and default to 1
    $the_button = '<input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity" value="1" />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
    } else {
    // show the quantity box
    $the_button = PRODUCTS_ORDER_QTY_TEXT . '<input type="text" name="cart_quantity" value="' . (zen_get_buy_now_qty($_GET['products_id'])) . '" maxlength="6" size="4" /><br />' . zen_get_products_quantity_min_units_display((int)$_GET['products_id']) . '<br />' . zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id', (int)$_GET['products_id']) . zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_IN_CART, BUTTON_IN_CART_ALT);
    $display_button = zen_get_buy_now_button($_GET['products_id'], $the_button);
    <?php if ($display_qty != '' or $display_button != '') { ?>
    <div id="cartAdd">
    echo $display_qty;
    echo $display_button;
    <?php } // display qty and button ?>
    <?php } // CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == 3 ?>
    <!--eof Add to Cart Box-->

    <!--bof Product details list -->
    <?php if ( (($flag_show_product_info_model == 1 and $products_model != '') or ($flag_show_product_info_weight == 1 and $products_weight !=0) or ($flag_show_product_info_quantity == 1) or ($flag_show_product_info_manufacturer == 1 and !empty($manufacturers_name))) ) { ?>
    <ul id="productDetailsList" class="floatingBox back">
    <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_model == 1 and $products_model !='') ? '<li>' . TEXT_PRODUCT_MODEL . $products_model . '</li>' : '') . "\n"; ?>
    <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_weight == 1 and $products_weight !=0) ? '<li>' . TEXT_PRODUCT_WEIGHT . $products_weight . TEXT_PRODUCT_WEIGHT_UNIT . '</li>' : '') . "\n"; ?>
    <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_quantity == 1) ? '<li>' . $products_quantity . TEXT_PRODUCT_QUANTITY . '</li>' : '') . "\n"; ?>
    <?php echo (($flag_show_product_info_manufacturer == 1 and !empty($manufacturers_name)) ? '<li>' . TEXT_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER . $manufacturers_name . '</li>' : '') . "\n"; ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <!--eof Product details list -->

    <!--bof Attributes Module -->
    if ($pr_attr->fields['total'] > 0) {
    * display the product atributes
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_attributes.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_attributes.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Attributes Module -->

    <!--bof Quantity Discounts table -->
    if ($products_discount_type != 0) { ?>
    * display the products quantity discount
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_products_quantity_discounts.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_products_quantity_discounts.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Quantity Discounts table -->

    <!--bof Additional Product Images -->
    * display the products additional images
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_additional_images.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_additional_images.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Additional Product Images -->

    <!--bof Prev/Next bottom position -->
    * display the product previous/next helper
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_products_next_previous.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_products_next_previous.php'); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!--eof Prev/Next bottom position -->

    <!--bof Tell a Friend button -->
    if ($flag_show_product_info_tell_a_friend == 1) { ?>
    <div id="productTellFriendLink" class="buttonRow forward"><?php echo ($flag_show_product_info_tell_a_friend == 1 ? '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_TELL_A_FRIEND, 'products_id=' . $_GET['products_id']) . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_TELLAFRIEND, BUTTON_TELLAFRIEND_ALT) . '</a>' : ''); ?></div>
    <!--eof Tell a Friend button -->

    <!--bof Reviews button and count-->
    if ($flag_show_product_info_reviews == 1) {
    // if more than 0 reviews, then show reviews button; otherwise, show the "write review" button
    if ($reviews->fields['count'] > 0 ) { ?>
    <div id="productReviewLink" class="buttonRow back"><?php echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS, zen_get_all_get_params()) . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_REVIEWS, BUTTON_REVIEWS_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <p class="reviewCount"><?php echo ($flag_show_product_info_reviews_count == 1 ? TEXT_CURRENT_REVIEWS . ' ' . $reviews->fields['count'] : ''); ?></p>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <div id="productReviewLink" class="buttonRow back"><?php echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_WRITE, zen_get_all_get_params(array())) . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_WRITE_REVIEW, BUTTON_WRITE_REVIEW_ALT) . '</a>'; ?></div>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <!--eof Reviews button and count -->

    <!--bof Product date added/available-->
    if ($products_date_available > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
    if ($flag_show_product_info_date_available == 1) {
    <p id="productDateAvailable" class="productGeneral centeredContent"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE, zen_date_long($products_date_available)); ?></p>
    } else {
    if ($flag_show_product_info_date_added == 1) {
    <p id="productDateAdded" class="productGeneral centeredContent"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_ADDED, zen_date_long($products_date_added)); ?></p>
    } // $flag_show_product_info_date_added
    <!--eof Product date added/available -->

    <!--bof Product URL -->
    if (zen_not_null($products_url)) {
    if ($flag_show_product_info_url == 1) {
    <p id="productInfoLink" class="productGeneral centeredContent"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION, zen_href_link(FILENAME_REDIRECT, 'action=url&goto=' . urlencode($products_url), 'NONSSL', true, false)); ?></p>
    } // $flag_show_product_info_url
    <!--eof Product URL -->

    <!--bof also purchased products module-->
    <?php require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_modules_also_purchased_products.php', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/' . 'tpl_modules_also_purchased_products.php');?>
    <!--eof also purchased products module-->

    <!--bof Form close-->
    <!--bof Form close-->

    <div id="productImagesWrapper">
    <!--bof Main Product Image -->
    if (zen_not_null($products_image)) {
    * display the main product image
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Main Product Image-->

    <!--bof Additional Product Images -->
    * display the products additional images
    require($template->get_template_dir('/tpl_modules_additional_images.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/tpl_modules_additional_images.php'); ?>
    <!--eof Additional Product Images -->

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    Replace the

    <!--bof Main Product Image -->
    <!--eof Main Product Image-->

    block with the

    <div id="productImagesWrapper">

    block. Also remove or comment out the

    <!--bof Additional Product Images -->
    <!--eof Additional Product Images -->


  8. #18
    Join Date
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    South Florida, USA
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    I'm working on it.
    I realized that "number of additional images per row" should be set to 1 if you want them to display vertically.
    I tried again the mod published in the downloads section and it works with that tweak, but not satisfactorily, a page break is missing somewhere.
    Will try your mod now and let you know ASAP.
    Many thanks for helping out!
    This could eventually become a contrib to the downloads section.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    OK, please take a look now.
    I did all the tweaks but not satisfactory because images are not neatly aligned with links on the left side, and text is underneath instead of right-aligned.
    I did eliminate the duplicates though, but there still is work to be done.
    Thanks for the help.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Eliminating wrap-arounds

    The code and CSS was tailored to my site display, and may not be ideal for you.

    I have the images aligned on their right edges, 200px from the left side of the container, and turned off the "larger image" text so never styled it.

    You may want to change the width of #productImagesWrapper, and change some styling properties of other parts of that block.
    The "larger image" text can be controlled by adding .imgLink { } and styling it (check the spelling).

    It may help to remove some "clearBoth" classes - you might need to edit tpl_modules_additional_images.php to get to this bit. If I edited that, it was a while ago and I don't remember exactly now.
    Went checking, and you need to edit not that but tpl_columnar_display.php to get rid of the clearBoth. Since tpl_columnar_display is used other places as well, you can't just rip out a line; you need a conditional statement to only skip it in the product info page:
    PHP Code:

        <?php echo '<div' $r_params '>' $list_box_contents[$row][$col]['text'] .  '</div>' "\n"?>
    if (
    $current_page_base != "product_info") { // gjh42 20070329 ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <?php }
    This is at the end of the file (45 lines total!), and you just need to add the

    if ($current_page_base != "product_info") { // gjh42 20070329 ?>

    line, and shift/add some <?php and ?> tags to end up with the exact appearance shown.


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