Hi, I have noticed something very weird with my hit counter and maybe somone knows more about it than me.

Just yesterday it read 07/05/2007 502 - 1257 this dosn't seem to accurate to me because even if I had 502 hits even at the lowest my google analytics is only showing me having 4,241 Pageviews from june 5th to july 5th. I installed it on one of my pages from there site with java code. It was just a copy and paste.

So is the admin hits accurate? This is what it is showing for total hits in 1 month on my admin zen cart hits Hit Counter: 90965 The other day it told me I had
07/02/2007 21445 - 21566 hits, can this be right. I have people at my site, but this mean hits out of them?

Thanks for the help from anyone in advance.

If you could tell me something else to do to get an more accurate reading this would be great.