I do get the ZC Admin login page but after the submit button I get a 500 error page.
I do get the ZC Admin login page but after the submit button I get a 500 error page.
500 error implies a PHP log present in the site's /logs sub-directory. Since you can't log in, view that sub-directory either using an FTP program (e.g. WinSCP or FileZilla) or via your webhost's cPanel's File Manager tool.
Remember that since the log was issued from the admin, its contents will include reference to your admin directory's name. Be sure and xxx those occurrences out and post a pertinent log within a "CODE" tag (the big # in the menu bar shown when you're writing your response).
[17-Feb-2023 10:01:43 America/New_York] PHP Parse error: Unterminated comment starting line 2 in admin/includes/installers/dpu/4_0_0-beta_1.php on line 2
[17-Feb-2023 10:01:43 America/New_York] PHP Parse error: Unterminated comment starting line 2 in admin/includes/installers/dpu/4_0_0-beta_1.php on line 2.
Does this help?
@lat9 admin/includes/installers/dpu/4_0_0-beta_1.php on line 2
V4.0.0, What changed:
- updated the jquery to 4.3.1
- rewritten the class and javascript. Removing all the ancient code, and moving to the builtin ajax functions of Zen Cart
- removed the Multi code formthe class, as it is not used (since v1). If neededit can always be put back in.
V4.0.0, What changed:
- updated the jquery to 4.3.1
- rewritten the class and javascript. Removing all the ancient code, and moving to the builtin ajax functions of Zen Cart
- removed the Multi code formthe class, as it is not used (since v1). If neededit can always be put back in.
V4.0.0, What changed:
- updated the jquery to 4.3.1
- rewritten the class and javascript. Removing all the ancient code, and moving to the builtin ajax functions of Zen Cart
- removed the Multi code form the class, as it is not used (since v1). If neededit can always be put back in.
- Added code changes from Torvista, MC12345678, and Zen4All
I just removed all three php files above and wallah it now works! I feel like I accomplished something!
Now that I can get into my test site's admin I tested a product and I am just getting the spinning ajax-gif, price never loads.
Yep, those old installers were supposed to be gone. They are now.
You should have a log file for the spinner. Check for that.
AND, a new fix for the spinner. fingers crossed
Last edited by dbltoe; 17 Feb 2023 at 10:16 PM.
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After multiple failed attempts of 158 and DPU v5 with a test site with data from 157 db I created a new test site with a blank database added 1 product with 2 attributes and 2 options each. Installed DPU v5 and when I go to the login page for admin enter credentials I get a blank page and 500 error. Need some help here as it seems something in v5 is not right using dbltoe 's revision from Friday in the Github.
I have narrowed the offending file down: config.dpu.php (admin/includes/autoloaders)
looks like it is missing "?>" at the end of the below code. Anyone else see any problems?
// Dynamic Price Updater 5.0
if (!defined('IS_ADMIN_FLAG')) {
die('Illegal Access');
if (IS_ADMIN_FLAG === true) {
$autoLoadConfig[999][] = array(
'autoType' => 'init_script',
'loadFile' => 'init_dpu_config.php'
} else {
trigger_error(__FILE__ . ' loaded from catalog side, verify upload of files.', E_USER_WARNING);
// uncomment the following line to perform a uninstall
// $uninstall = 'uninstall';