Updated file for download at http://chrome.me.uk/PriceUpdater.zip
There are 2 files included (/includes/modules/pages/product_info/)... jscript_updater.php and jscript_updater_new.php
The _new file includes the radio/checkbox capabilities and is currently very much in test mode... Delete the file you do not want to use then upload the one you do want to use and that's all
If you have downloaded a previous version and have it in place I recommend renaming the original file (j_script_updater.php is a good choice) then uploading the new file... This means if any issues arise restoring the original configuration should be easy
For clarification, at this point there are 2 known issues: Doesn't work for items on sale; Doesn't identify multiple cart additions... These are in the pipeline
Any feedback or bug reports would be greatly appreciated