// Small module to dynamically update main price when the product has price altering attributes
// (c) D Parry (Chrome) 2007 ([email protected])
// This module is free to distribute and use as long as the above copyright message is left in tact
// Alterations are permitted but please let me know of any changes you make, specifically where incompatibility is concerned
// some contstant declarations
define('UPDATER_PREFIX_TEXT', 'Price: ');
define('UPDATER_SB_TITLE', 'Price Breakdown'); // the heading that shows in the Updater sidebox
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var objPrice, origPrice;
var defaultCurrencyLeft, defaultCurrencyRight;
defaultCurrencyLeft = defaultCurrencyRight = '';
var quantity = false; // do not alter this
var showQuantity = false; // show the quantity the customer has requested in the main price header
var showQuantitySB = false; // show the quantity the customer has requested in the sidebox
var prArr = nameArr = new Array(); // holds an array of prices to be adjusted (for multiple price adjustments)
var _oflag = false; // do not alter this
var seeker = new RegExp(/\(\s*([+-]?)([^0-9]*)([0-9,]+\.[0-9]+)([^0-9)]*)\s*\)/);
// Updater sidebox settings
var _sidebox = false; // set this to: false - don't use or the ID of the sidebox you want the display to insert above (must be exact)
var objSB = false; // this holds the sidebox object
// Second price setting
// the following settings allow a second price to be displayed... if a page is very long this allows you to add another price display
// thanks to Ryk on the Zen Cart forums for the idea and pointing out the issue
var _secondPrice = 'false'; // set this to either false for disabled or supply the ID of an element for the price to appear BEFORE... for example, cartAdd
var _SPDisplay = 'update'; // governs the behaviour of the second... 'always' permanently displays and 'update' shows the second price only when an attribute is selected
var objSP = false; // please don't adjust this
// debug settings
var _debug = false; // set to false to disable debug output
var _db = '';
var _dbdiv = false;
function init() { // discover the selects that are required to adjust the main price
var centre = document.getElementById('productGeneral');
var objSel = centre.getElementsByTagName('SELECT');
var objInp = centre.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
var db = '';
var _flag = false; // flag to decide if a load of attribute information is needed
if (!_oflag) { // get the base price and the quantity box (if it exists)
// firstly find out if debug messages should be shown
if (_debug === true) { // build the div that will hold debug messages
if (_secondPrice !== false && _SPDisplay == 'always') {
regdb('SP Onload', 'Type: ' + _SPDisplay);
// quantity box
var qtemp = document.getElementById('cartAdd');
if (qtemp) { // got the containing div... go for the quantity!
var itemp = qtemp.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
if (itemp) { // make sure some inputs are available to scan
for (var i=0; itemp[i]; i++) {
if (itemp[i].name == 'cart_quantity') { // we have the input we need
quantity = itemp[i].value;
regdb('Onload quantity', 'Cart add INPUT discovered (' + quantity + ')');
itemp[i].onkeyup = function () { adjQuan(this); }
// if quantity is still false we'll assign it a value of 1
if (quantity === false) quantity = 1;
if (!(objPrice = document.getElementById('productPrices').getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[1])) {
objPrice = document.getElementById('productPrices');
} else {
regdb('Onload sale', 'Looks like an item on sale');
origPrice = Number(objPrice.innerHTML.match(/([0-9,.]+)/g)[0].replace(/,/g, ''));
var origHTML = objPrice.innerHTML;
var db = '';
if (!origPrice) {
db = 'Initial phase failure';
if (objPrice) {
db += ' - H2 found';
var temp = objPrice.getElementsByTagName('SPAN');
for (var i=0; temp[i]; i++) {
if (temp[i].className = 'productSpecialPrice') {
origPrice = temp[i].innerHTML.match(/([0-9,.]+)/g)[0].replace(/,/g, '');
db += ' - price in SPAN';
origHTML = temp[i].innerHTML;
if (!origPrice) return;
} else {
db += ' - price not found!';
} else {
db = 'Price found: ' + origPrice;
regdb('Onload base price', db);
// try and find the default currency symbols
var temp = origHTML.match(/s*([^0-9 ]*)([0-9.,]+)(.*)/);
defaultCurrencyLeft = temp[1];
db = 'Left: ' + defaultCurrencyLeft;
defaultCurrencyRight = temp[3];
db += ' - Right: ' + defaultCurrencyRight;
regdb('Onload default currency locator', db);
for (var i=0; objSel[i]; i++) {
var _this = objSel[i];
objSel[i].onchange = function () { updatePrice(this); }
db = 'Name - ' + objSel[i].name + ' : ID - ' + objSel[i].id;
// scan the attributes to find out if any adjustments are needed
var matches = objSel[i][objSel[i].selectedIndex].text.match(seeker);
if (matches) { // yep
db += ' - Adjusted!';
prArr[objSel[i].id] = new Array();
prArr[objSel[i].id]['p'] = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/, '')); // push the value onto the stack
prArr[objSel[i].id]['n'] = objSel[i][objSel[i].selectedIndex].text.replace(seeker, '');
prArr[objSel[i].id]['m'] = matches[1]; // mode indicator
prArr[objSel[i].id]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
prArr[objSel[i].id]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
_flag = true;
regdb ('Onload SELECT', db);
for (var i=0; objInp[i]; i++) {
if (objInp[i].type == 'radio' || objInp[i].type == 'checkbox') { // make sure we're dealing with radio boxes
db = 'Name - ' + objInp[i].name + ' : ID - ' + objInp[i].id;
matches = objInp[i].nextSibling.innerHTML.match(seeker);
if (matches) {
db += ' : Adjusted!';
objInp[i].onclick = function () { updateR(this); }
if (objInp[i].checked) updateR(objInp[i]);
regdb('Onload RAD/CH', db);
if (_flag && !_oflag) {
if (_oflag === true) regdb('Onload', '--- End of loading procedures ---');
_oflag = true;
function updSP() {
// adjust the second price display; create the div if necessary
var flag = false; // error tracking flag
if (_secondPrice !== false) { // second price is active
var centre = document.getElementById('productGeneral');
var temp = document.getElementById('productPrices');
var itemp = document.getElementById(_secondPrice);
if (objSP === false) { // create the second price object
if (!temp || !itemp) flag = true;
if (!flag) {
objSP = temp.cloneNode(true); = + 'Second';
regdb('updSP', 'Price node cloned!');
if (!itemp.parentNode.insertBefore(objSP, itemp.nextSibling)) {
regdb('updSP', 'Unable to insert node at point ' + _secondPrice);
} else {
regdb('updSP', 'Node inserted successfully');
} else {
regdb('updSP', 'Unable to clone price node!');
regdb('updSP', 'Duplicating price, by jove!');
objSP.innerHTML = temp.innerHTML;
} else { // second price inactive
regdb('updSP', 'Cancelled');
function adjQuan(objInp) {
// adjust the global cart quantity for multiplication
var newVal = Number(objInp.value.match(/[0-9]+/g));
quantity = newVal;
regdb('Quantity change', newVal);
if (_sidebox !== false && objSB === false) createSB();
if (objSB !== false) updateSB(); // update the sidebox
function updateR(objInp) {
var matches = objInp.nextSibling.innerHTML.match(seeker);
var priceAdj, totalAdj = 0;
var flag = false;
var db = '';
if (matches) { // make sure this attribute is price-adjust-worthy
db += '*Adj* - ';
priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/g, '')); // Number(matches[0].match(/[0-9.]+/)[0]);
} else {
db += '*No adj* - ';
priceAdj = 0;
if (objInp.type == 'radio') {
// the radio type input can be inserted into the array using its name as a reference as radio boxes are mutually
// exclusive in their group
db += 'Radio - Name: ' + + ' - ';
prArr[] = new Array();
prArr[]['p'] = priceAdj; // push the price adjustment into the array referenced by the ID of the calling select
prArr[]['n'] = objInp.nextSibling.innerHTML.replace(seeker, '');
prArr[]['m'] = matches[1];
prArr[]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
prArr[]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
db += 'Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1];
} else {
// checkboxes are always autonomous so can have multiple selections from a group so use the ID as before
if (objInp.checked) {
db += 'Checkbox - ID: ' + + ' - ';
prArr[] = new Array();
prArr[]['p'] = priceAdj; // push the price adjustment into the array referenced by the ID of the calling select
prArr[]['n'] = objInp.nextSibling.innerHTML.replace(seeker, ''); // attribute name, price removed
prArr[]['m'] = matches[1]; // the mode (+, - or base) of the attribute
prArr[]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
prArr[]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
db += 'Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1];
} else {
prArr[] = null;
db = 'Checkbox ID ' + + ' is now NULL';
regdb('updateR', db);
function updatePrice(objSel) { // update the main price from the value extracted by the regex
var matches = objSel[objSel.selectedIndex].text.match(seeker);
var priceAdj, totalAdj = 0;
var db = '';
if (matches) { // make sure this attribute is price-adjust-worthy
db = '*Adj* - ';
priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/g, ''));
} else {
db = '*No adj* - ';
priceAdj = 0;
if (matches) {
prArr[] = new Array();
prArr[]['p'] = priceAdj; // push the price adjustment into the array referenced by the ID of the calling select
prArr[]['n'] = objSel[objSel.selectedIndex].text.replace(seeker, '');
prArr[]['m'] = matches[1];
prArr[]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
prArr[]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
db += 'ID: ' + + ' - Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1];
} else {
prArr[] = null;
db = 'SELECT ID ' + + ' is now NULL';
regdb('updatePrice', db);
function updatePriceNow() { // update the price display
var totalAdj = 0;
var db = '';
var l = defaultCurrencyLeft;
var r = defaultCurrencyRight;
for (var i in prArr) {
if (prArr[i] == '') {
l = (prArr[i]['l'] == '' || typeof(prArr[i]['l']) == 'undefined' ? defaultCurrencyLeft : prArr[i]['l']);
r = (prArr[i]['r'] == '' ? defaultCurrencyRight : prArr[i]['r']);
db = 'Item: ' + prArr[i]['n'] + ' - ';
switch (true) { // adjust the price according to its given mode
case prArr[i]['m'] == '+': // add the attribute price to the base price
db += 'Mode: Add';
db += ' - totalAdj: ' + totalAdj + ' - Adding ' + prArr[i]['p'];
totalAdj += prArr[i]['p'];
case prArr[i]['m'] == '-': // subtract the attribute price from the base
db += 'Mode: Subtract';
db += ' - totalAdj: ' + totalAdj + ' - Subtracting ' + prArr[i]['p'];
totalAdj -= prArr[i]['p'];
case prArr[i]['m'] == '': // this means the attribute actually replaces the base price
db += 'Mode: Base';
db += ' - Altering base to ' + prArr[i]['p'];
origPrice = prArr[i]['p'];
regdb('updatePriceNow', db);
var newPrice = ((origPrice + totalAdj) * quantity).toFixed(2);
document.getElementById('productPrices').innerHTML = '<?php echo UPDATER_PREFIX_TEXT; ?>' + l + addCommas(newPrice) + r + (showQuantity ? ' (' + quantity + ')' : '');
if (_sidebox !== false && objSB === false) createSB();
if (objSB !== false) updateSB(); // update the sidebox
function createSB() { // create the sidebox for the attributes info display
if (_sidebox !== false) {
var temp = document.getElementById(_sidebox); // get a handle to the sidebox to insertBefore
if (temp) {
objSB = document.createElement('DIV'); // create the sidebox wrapper = 'updaterSB';
objSB.className = 'leftBoxContainer'; // set the CSS reference
// create the heading bit
var tempH = document.createElement('H3'); = 'updateSBHeading';
tempH.className = 'leftBoxHeading';
tempH.innerHTML = '<?php echo UPDATER_SB_TITLE; ?>';
// create the content div
var tempC = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'updaterSBContent';
tempC.className = 'sideBoxContent';
tempC.innerHTML = 'If you can read this Chrome has broken something';
temp.parentNode.insertBefore(objSB, temp);
regdb('createSB', 'Sidebox created!');
} else {
regdb('createSB', 'Sidebox could not be created!');
function updateSB() { // update the contents of the sidebox with the updated info from the attributes selector
var newText = hText = '';
var l = defaultCurrencyLeft;
var r = defaultCurrencyRight;
var totalAdj = origPrice;
for (var i in prArr) {
if (prArr[i] == '') {
l = (prArr[i]['l'] == '' || typeof(prArr[i]['l']) == 'undefined' ? defaultCurrencyLeft : prArr[i]['l']);
r = (prArr[i]['r'] == '' ? defaultCurrencyRight : prArr[i]['r']);
if (prArr[i]['m'] !== null && prArr[i]['m'] != '') {
if (prArr[i]['m'] == '-') newText += '<span style="color: red;">';
newText += prArr[i]['n'] + (prArr[i]['p'] != 0 ? ' - ' + (showQuantitySB ? quantity + 'x ' : '') + prArr[i]['l'] + prArr[i]['p'].toFixed(2) + prArr[i]['r']: '') + '<br/>';
if (prArr[i]['m'] == '-') newText += '<\/span>';
switch (true) { // adjust the price according to its given mode
case prArr[i]['m'] == '+': // add the attribute price to the base price
totalAdj += prArr[i]['p'];
case prArr[i]['m'] == '-': // subtract the attribute price from the base
totalAdj -= prArr[i]['p'];
case prArr[i]['m'] == '': // this means the attribute actually replaces the base price
origPrice = prArr[i]['p'];
hText += 'Product price - ' + (showQuantitySB ? quantity + 'x ' : '') + l + addCommas(origPrice.toFixed(2)) + r + '<br/>';
newText += '<hr />Total: ' + l + addCommas((totalAdj * quantity).toFixed(2)) + r;
// I know innerHTML is cheating but I careth not :)
objSB.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0].innerHTML = hText + newText;
function addCommas(nStr)
{ // this function can be found at
nStr += '';
var x = nStr.split('.');
var x1 = x[0];
var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
function createdb () {
var centre = document.getElementById('productGeneral');
if (_dbdiv === false) {
_dbdiv = document.createElement('DIV'); = '2px dashed #666'; = '0.1em';
_dbdiv.innerHTML = '<div style="cursor: pointer; width: 100%; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px; background-color: #aaa; padding: 1px; font-size: 110%; font-weight: bold;" onclick="createdb();">Debug messages<\/div>';
function regdb(strTitle, strText) { // simple routine to format and output the debug messages
if (_debug === true) { // make sure debug messages should be displayed
_dbdiv.innerHTML += '<div style="margin: 2px 0; background-color: #ddd; border-top: 1px solid #aaa; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">' + strTitle + ':<\/span> ' + strText + '<\/div>';
// the following statements should allow multiple onload handlers to be applied
// I know this type of event registration is technically deprecated but I decided to use it because I haven't before
// There shouldn't be any fallout from the downsides of this method as only a single function is registered (and in the bubbling phase of each model)
// For backwards compatibility I've included the traditional DOM registration method
try { // the IE event registration model
window.attachEvent('onload', init);
} catch (e) { // W3C event registration model
window.addEventListener('load', init, false);
} finally {
window.onload = init;
// ]]></script>
Help Please.