I was in a web site admin yesterday checking the email option setting as the site owner is not recieving any order details via email. The orders are sitting in the admin but we have no creditcard details etc. The settings all look the same as another site I did that works although they are with different hosts. He went to log in while i was in there and it denyed him the access so i logged out. When I went to log back in it wouldnt let me back in saying wrong user name and password. We didint change the password?
We tried to resend it but although it accepts the admin email address no email come through.
I used the techsupp.php file to send an email and that came through but that is where we are at.

The hosting serves is currently working on the dedicated IP for the SSL set up(was suposed to be done by now) could that be messing things up and how am I going to get back into this site now? Yes I know we shouldnt have let orders go through without the certificate but I didnt expect the site to be so active during this time and expected a quicker SSL setup.
I also checked the error log and there was tons of them for that day with extentions shtm? I am guessing here