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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
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    Default Object of class psigate_xml could not be converted to string

    Using zen-cart 1.38.
    Trying to get verified by visa and mastercard securecode to work.
    We keep getting this error:

    [17-Jun-2009 20:01:13] PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class psigate_xml could not be converted to string in /home/xxxxx/public_html/includes/functions/functions_general.php on line 1327

    Here is line 1327

    if (($value != '') && (strtolower($value) != 'null') && (strlen(trim($value)) > 0)) {

    return true;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
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    Default Re: please help with error

    Quote Originally Posted by james739 View Post
    Using zen-cart 1.38.
    Trying to get verified by visa and mastercard securecode to work.
    We keep getting this error:

    [17-Jun-2009 20:01:13] PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class psigate_xml could not be converted to string in /home/xxxxx/public_html/includes/functions/functions_general.php on line 1327

    Here is line 1327

    if (($value != '') && (strtolower($value) != 'null') && (strlen(trim($value)) > 0)) {

    return true;
    The error is on line 666 not 1327.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Object of class psigate_xml could not be converted to string

    The error has nothing to do with the functions_general.php file.
    The problem is in whatever addon you're using that creates a "psigate_xml" object and attempts to check it for validity.
    Something's causing that object to not exist or if it does exist it contains bad data. Sometimes that can be a result of conflicts between code written sloppily for PHP 4 and then trying to use it on PHP 5. Or it could be something else.
    I'm guessing that "psigate_xml" is something in the psi gateway payment module addon which you apparently have installed on your site.

    Also, I've changed the title of this thread from the generic "please help with error" to something more specific. When you just say "please help" in the subject, nobody knows what that means, and often those don't get any attention from people who might have something to offer. Hopefully the mention of "psigate_xml" in the subject may help invite someone who has encountered that module to respond with anything they had to do to it to make it work on their site.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Object of class psigate_xml could not be converted to string

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    The error has nothing to do with the functions_general.php file.
    The problem is in whatever addon you're using that creates a "psigate_xml" object and attempts to check it for validity.
    Something's causing that object to not exist or if it does exist it contains bad data. Sometimes that can be a result of conflicts between code written sloppily for PHP 4 and then trying to use it on PHP 5. Or it could be something else.
    I'm guessing that "psigate_xml" is something in the psi gateway payment module addon which you apparently have installed on your site.

    Also, I've changed the title of this thread from the generic "please help with error" to something more specific. When you just say "please help" in the subject, nobody knows what that means, and often those don't get any attention from people who might have something to offer. Hopefully the mention of "psigate_xml" in the subject may help invite someone who has encountered that module to respond with anything they had to do to it to make it work on their site.

    Thank you! At the moment, I have no clue how to fix this problem. Can you point me in the right direction?

    The code for the psigate module is below, can you tell me how to fix this?
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | Copyright (c) 2005 Jason LeBaron - [email protected]              |
    // |                                                                      |
    // | Portions Copyright (c) 2005 Zen-Cart -       |
    // | Portions Copyright (c) 2004 osCommerce -   |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the GPL license,       |
    // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
    // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
    // |                                 |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | Module created by Jason LeBaron                                      |
    // | Released under GPL                                                   |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // $Id: psigate_xml.php 1 2005-07-12 17:00:00Z networkdad $
    class psigate_xml {
      var $code, $title, $description, $enabled;
    // class constructor
      function psigate_xml() {
          global $order;
        $this->code = 'psigate_xml';
         if ($_GET['main_page'] != '') {
           $this->title = MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CATALOG_TITLE; // Payment module title in Catalog
         } else {
           $this->title = MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_ADMIN_TITLE; // Payment module title in Admin
        $this->description = MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_DESCRIPTION;  // Descriptive Info about module in Admin
        $this->enabled = ((MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false); // Whether the module is installed or not
        $this->sort_order = MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_SORT_ORDER; // Sort Order of this payment option on the customer payment page
          $this->form_action_url = zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL', false); // Page to go to upon submitting page info
            $this->order_status = MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_ORDER_STATUS_ID;
          if (is_object($order)) $this->update_status();
    // class methods
        function update_status() {
          global $order, $db;
          if ( ($this->enabled == true) && ((int)MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_ZONE > 0) ) {
            $check_flag = false;
            $check = $db->Execute("select zone_id from " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " where geo_zone_id = '" . MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_ZONE . "' and zone_country_id = '" . $order->billing['country']['id'] . "' order by zone_id");
            while (!$check->EOF) {
              if ($check->fields['zone_id'] < 1) {
                $check_flag = true;
              } elseif ($check->fields['zone_id'] == $order->billing['zone_id']) {
                $check_flag = true;
            if ($check_flag == false) {
              $this->enabled = false;
        // Validate the credit card information via javascript (Number, Owner, and CVV Lengths)
        function javascript_validation() {
          $js = '  if (payment_value == "' . $this->code . '") {' . "\n" .
                '    var cc_owner = document.checkout_payment.psigate_xml_cc_owner.value;' . "\n" .
                '    var cc_number = document.checkout_payment.psigate_xml_cc_number.value;' . "\n";
         $js .= '    if (cc_owner == "" || cc_owner.length < ' . CC_OWNER_MIN_LENGTH . ') {' . "\n" .
                '      error_message = error_message + "' . MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_JS_CC_OWNER . '";' . "\n" .
                '      error = 1;' . "\n" .
                '    }' . "\n" .
                '    if (cc_number == "" || cc_number.length < ' . CC_NUMBER_MIN_LENGTH . ') {' . "\n" .
                '      error_message = error_message + "' . MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_JS_CC_NUMBER . '";' . "\n" .
                '      error = 1;' . "\n" .
                '    }' . "\n" ;
          return $js;
        // Display Credit Card Information Submission Fields on the Checkout Payment Page
        function selection() {
          global $order;
          for ($i=1; $i<13; $i++) {
            $expires_month[] = array('id' => sprintf('%02d', $i), 'text' => strftime('%B',mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2000)));
          $today = getdate();
          for ($i=$today['year']; $i < $today['year']+10; $i++) {
            $expires_year[] = array('id' => strftime('%y',mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$i)), 'text' => strftime('%Y',mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$i)));
          $selection = array('id' => $this->code,
                             'module' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CATALOG_TITLE,
                                                     'fields' => array(array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_OWNER,
                                                     'field' => zen_draw_input_field('psigate_xml_cc_owner', $order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname'])),
                                               array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER,
                                                     'field' => zen_draw_input_field('psigate_xml_cc_number')),
                                               array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRES,
                                                     'field' => zen_draw_pull_down_menu('psigate_xml_cc_expires_month', $expires_month) . '&nbsp;' . zen_draw_pull_down_menu('psigate_xml_cc_expires_year', $expires_year)),
                                               array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CVV . ' ' .'<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\'' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_CVV_HELP) . '\')">' . MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_POPUP_CVV_LINK . '</a>',
                                                     'field' => zen_draw_input_field('psigate_xml_cc_cvv', '', "size=4, maxlength=4"))));
          return $selection;
        // Evaluates the Credit Card Type for acceptance and the validity of the Credit Card Number & Expiration Date
        function pre_confirmation_check() {
          global $_POST;
          include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'cc_validation.php');
          $cc_validation = new cc_validation();
          $result = $cc_validation->validate($_POST['psigate_xml_cc_number'], $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_expires_month'], $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_expires_year'], $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_cvv']);
          $error = '';
          switch ($result) {
            case -1:
              $error = sprintf(TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARD, substr($cc_validation->cc_number, 0, 4));
            case -2:
            case -3:
            case -4:
              $error = TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE;
            case false:
              $error = TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER;
          if ( ($result == false) || ($result < 1) ) {
            $payment_error_return = 'payment_error=' . $this->code . '&error=' . urlencode($error) . '&psigate_xml_cc_owner=' . urlencode($_POST['psigate_xml_cc_owner']) . '&psigate_xml_cc_expires_month=' . $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_expires_month'] . '&psigate_xml_cc_expires_year=' . $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_expires_year'];
            zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, $payment_error_return, 'SSL', true, false));
          $this->cc_card_type = $cc_validation->cc_type;
          $this->cc_card_number = $cc_validation->cc_number;
          $this->cc_expiry_month = $cc_validation->cc_expiry_month;
          $this->cc_expiry_year = $cc_validation->cc_expiry_year;
        // Display Credit Card Information on the Checkout Confirmation Page
        function confirmation() {
          global $_POST;
              $confirmation = array(//'title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CATALOG_TITLE, // Redundant
                                                        'fields' => array(array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_OWNER,
                                                        'field' => $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_owner']),
                                                array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER,
                                                        'field' => substr($this->cc_card_number, 0, 4) . str_repeat('X', (strlen($this->cc_card_number) - 8)) . substr($this->cc_card_number, -4)),
                                                  array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRES,
                                                        'field' => strftime('%B, %Y', mktime(0,0,0,$_POST['psigate_xml_cc_expires_month'], 1, '20' . $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_expires_year'])))));
          return $confirmation;
        function process_button() {
          global $_POST;
          // These are hidden fields on the checkout confirmation page
          $process_button_string = zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_owner', $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_owner']) .
                                       zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_expires', $this->cc_expiry_month . substr($this->cc_expiry_year, -2)) .
                                       zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_expires_month', $this->cc_expiry_month) .
                                       zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_expires_year', substr($this->cc_expiry_year, -2)) .
                                       zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_type', $this->cc_card_type) .
                                       zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_number', $this->cc_card_number) .
                                       zen_draw_hidden_field('cc_cvv', $_POST['psigate_xml_cc_cvv']);
          $process_button_string .= zen_draw_hidden_field(zen_session_name(), zen_session_id());
        return $process_button_string;
        function before_process() {
              global $_POST, $_SERVER, $order, $db, $psi_response_array, $psi_order_id;
          $order->info['cc_type'] = $_POST['cc_type'];
          $order->info['cc_owner'] = $_POST['cc_owner'];
          $order->info['cc_cvv'] = $_POST['cc_cvv'];
        // Build Info to send to Gateway
        require_once(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'payment/psigate_xml/class.psigate_xml.php');
        $psi = new PsiGatePayment;
        $psi->setGatewayURL(((MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TRANSACTION_MODE == 'Production') ? '' : ''));
        $psi->setPassPhrase((($_SESSION['currency'] == 'CAD') ? MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_PASSPHRASE_CAD : MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_PASSPHRASE_USD)); // Assures authenticity
        $psi->setCardAction(((MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_AUTHORIZATION_MODE == 'Authorize') ? '1' : '0'));
        $psi->setBname($order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname']);
        $psi->setSname($order->delivery['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->delivery['lastname']);
        $psi->setComments("Zen-Cart XML Interface 1.0");
        case "Approved": $psi->setTestResult('A'); break;
        case "Declined": $psi->setTestResult('D'); break;
        case "Random": $psi->setTestResult('R'); break;
        case "Fraud": $psi->setTestResult('F'); break;
        // Send transaction data to the gateway
        $psi_xml_error = (!($psi->doPayment() == PSIGATE_TRANSACTION_OK));
        // Create an array for database storage of gateway responses
        $psi_response_array = array(
    //    $Psi_TransTime => $psi->getTrxnTransTime(),
        psi_order_id => $psi->getTrxnOrderID(),
    //    $Psi_Approved => $psi->getTrxnApproved(),
    //    $Psi_ReturnCode => $psi->getTrxnReturnCode(),
    //    $Psi_ErrMsg => $psi->getTrxnErrMsg(),
    //    $Psi_TaxTotal => $psi->getTrxnTaxTotal(),
    //    $Psi_ShipTotal => $psi->getTrxnShipTotal(),
    //    $Psi_SubTotal => $psi->getTrxnSubTotal(),
    //    $Psi_FullTotal => $psi->getTrxnFullTotal(),
    //    $Psi_PaymentType => $psi->getTrxnPaymentType(),
    //    $Psi_CardNumber => $psi->getTrxnCardNumber(),
    //    $Psi_CardExpMonth => $psi->getTrxnCardExpMonth(),
    //    $Psi_CardExpYear => $psi->getTrxnCardExpYear(),
        trans_ref => $psi->getTrxnTransRefNumber(),
        cvv_result => $psi->getTrxnCardIDResult(),
        avs_result => $psi->getTrxnAVSResult());
    //    $Psi_CardAuthNumber => $psi->getTrxnCardAuthNumber(),
    //    $Psi_CardRefNumber => $psi->getTrxnCardRefNumber(),
    //    $Psi_CardType => $psi->getTrxnCardType(),
    //    ip_result => $psi->getTrxnIPResult(),
    //    ip_country => $psi->getTrxnIPCountry(),
    //    ip_region => $psi->getTrxnIPRegion(),
    //    ip_city => $psi->getTrxnIPCity()
        $psi_order_id = $psi->getTrxnOrderID();
        // Transaction was not approved.  Send to checkout_payment page again and display error to customer
        if ($psi_xml_error) {
            zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'error_message=' . $Psi_ErrMsg . ' - ' . urlencode(MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_DECLINED_MESSAGE), 'SSL', true, false));
        function after_process() {
          return false;
        function after_order_create($zf_order_id) {
          global $db, $order, $psi_order_id, $psi_response_array;
        // Save response in table
            zen_db_perform(TABLE_PSIGATE_XML, $psi_response_array);
            $db->execute("update "  . TABLE_PSIGATE_XML . " set zen_order_id ='" . $zf_order_id . "' where psi_order_id = '" . $psi_order_id ."'");
       function admin_notification($zf_order_id) {
         global $db, $psi_response_array;
         $sql = "select * from " . TABLE_PSIGATE_XML . " where zen_order_id = '" . $zf_order_id . "'";
         $psigate_xml = $db->Execute($sql);
         require(DIR_FS_CATALOG. DIR_WS_MODULES . 'payment/psigate_xml/psigate_xml_admin_notification.php');
         return $output;
        function get_error() {
          global $_GET;
          $error = array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TEXT_ERROR,
                         'error' => stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['error'])));
          return $error;
        function check() {
          global $db;
          if (!isset($this->_check)) {
            $check_query = $db->Execute("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_STATUS'");
            $this->_check = $check_query->RecordCount();
          return $this->_check;
        function install() {
          global $db;
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Enable PSiGate XML Payment Module', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_STATUS', 'True', 'Do you want to accept PSiGate credit card payments?', '6', '0', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('PSiGate Store ID - CAD', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_STORE_ID_CAD', 'teststore', 'Please enter your PSiGate Store ID for CAD currency', '6', '6', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('PSiGate Passphrase - CAD', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_PASSPHRASE_CAD', 'psigate1234', 'Please enter your PSiGate Passphrase for CAD currency', '6', '6', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('PSiGate Store ID - USD', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_STORE_ID_USD', 'teststore', 'Please enter your PSiGate Store ID for USD currency', '6', '6', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('PSiGate Passphrase - USD', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_PASSPHRASE_USD', 'psigate1234', 'Please enter your PSiGate Passphrase for USD currency', '6', '6', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Transaction Mode', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TRANSACTION_MODE', 'Production', 'Transaction mode used for processing orders', '6', '0', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'Test\', \'Production\'), ', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Test Mode Result', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_TRANSACTION_TEST_RESULT', 'Production', 'Simulated responses when in test mode.  Leave <strong>production</strong> selected if not testing', '6', '5', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'Production\', \'Approved\', \'Declined\', \'Random\', \'Fraud\'), ', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Authorization Type', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_AUTHORIZATION_MODE', 'Authorize', 'Do you want submitted credit card transactions to be authorized only, or immediately charge?', '6', '0', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'Authorize\', \'Immediate Charge\'), ', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort order of display.', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_SORT_ORDER', '0', 'Sort order of display. Lowest is displayed first.', '6', '0', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, use_function, set_function, date_added) values ('Payment Zone', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_ZONE', '0', 'If a zone is selected, only enable this payment method for that zone.', '6', '2', 'zen_get_zone_class_title', 'zen_cfg_pull_down_zone_classes(', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, use_function, date_added) values ('Set Order Status', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PSIGATE_XML_ORDER_STATUS_ID', '0', 'Set the status of orders made with this payment module to this value', '6', '0', 'zen_cfg_pull_down_order_statuses(', 'zen_get_order_status_name', now())");
        function remove() {
          global $db;
          $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')");
        function keys() {
          return array(



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR