I have downloaded the latest and the previous version of the plugin looking for the css file. It doesn't seem to be in either. Should there be a css file?
I have downloaded the latest and the previous version of the plugin looking for the css file. It doesn't seem to be in either. Should there be a css file?
Is there still an issue with Ceon URI with the latest version of this plugin?
Great Mod, thanks for the contribution! Is there a way to put the "Items starting with..." drop down to the right of the "Grid / List" drop down, on the same line to make it look cleaner? Attached are images of how it looks in Chrome, and in IE. In IE it looks kind of sloppy. Also, I'd like to add more space between "Displaying X of X..." and the first row of products and have a line separating each row instead of underlining each product individually. Thank you!
I downloaded the recent version of this add on, but there were no directions. The html document just is a donation disclaimer. I just uploaded includes (after renaming my template name to the folders) and ran the install sql. I have the options set to true in my admin, but nothing is displayed. Here is my site:
http://www (DOT) oldworldarchery (DOT) com/DEVELOPMENT/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=49_51&sort=20a&alpha_filter_id=0&view=columns
Also, when a file has a ~ on the end, does that mean I need to override or merge that file? I didn't remove the ~ 's from the files.
sorry about adding this to this thread, but could not find any way of creating a new thread.
I can't seem to get rid of "Call for Pricing" I see where to remove it in in the settings, but nothing seems to remove the dreaded "call for Price" the item do have a price and are set not to show "Call for Price". In fact all my product suffer from "Call for Price" syndrone.
Thanks for you help.
Server Information:
Server Host: outdoorking.com (
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Question is will this work on my server using version 1.5.8a with Bootstrap template as it only states upto 1.5.3