My customer was asking for this as well (the dropdown on the product page that says "show: 6, 10 20, 50..." products). Any status on this?
My customer was asking for this as well (the dropdown on the product page that says "show: 6, 10 20, 50..." products). Any status on this?
Hello there, thank so much for this mod first. I'm new and know nothing about PHP coding. Now testing the Zen Cart V1.3.8.
I follow the mod readme to install this mod and I think I ALMOST success...
My problem is, anyway here is the cap screen:
You may see there is 2 digit: 4 and 8 at the end of the line "TEXT_DISPLAY_STEPS_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS".
4 and 8 are the steps I set in the Admin page. And these 2 step numbers when I click them, they do their job well! But when I try to add more steps. The others not show...
Seems there is no space for more step numbers to show, just because that error line "TEXT_DISPLAY_STEPS_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS" use up all the space...
What's wrong I made? How do I hide this line and show more steps? Thanks!
Just I quick follow up. My problem solved just because the files wrong placement!! Now it works perfectly. Give a BIG kiss to the mod author!
what happend it can't work after i install this function
the "SQL Query Executor" page display below :" Failed: 1
ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "PRODUCT_LISTING_MAX_DISPLAY_STEPS" because it already exists
Note: 1 statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details.
when i send the "new_install"
(sure i install it as readme.txt)
Great mod, but how can I have the dropdown instead of text links?
Hi, I have following problem: when I go from the subcategory with less than nine products where is set to show only 6 products per page to another category I get this kind of error:
Can anybody help?PHP Code:
1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-0, 0' at line 8
[select distinct p.products_image, pd.products_name, p.products_quantity, p.products_carrot, p.products_id, p.products_type, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_description, IF(s.status = 1, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status =1, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price, p.products_sort_order, p.product_is_call, p.product_is_always_free_shipping, p.products_qty_box_status from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, products_to_categories p2c left join specials s on p2c.products_id = s.products_id where p.products_carrot = 0 and p.products_status = 1 and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and pd.products_id = p2c.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' and p2c.categories_id = '6' order by p.products_sort_order, pd.products_name limit -0, 0]
problem solved, this mod hasnt caused problem it was zencarts issue. Maybe someone could be interested there is link how to fix problem
Quick question, is 'Number of Products Per Page:.....' *ONLY* suppose to appear at the bottom of the page?
I figured that since we enter the code in 2 spots that it would appear at the top and bottom of the pages.
It only shows at the bottom for me, is this right?
Thank you,
This is showing up on my site like this:
Number of Products Per Page:
Number of Products Per Page: 21 42 60 81 102
How can I get rid of the top line so that it only says "Number of Products Per Page:" one time?
Forget my site address: