Hi to you all i have been porting over product extra fields for OSC to Zen Cart
all is going well easy populate is done.

I have added as follows:

Product Cost Price // this is ok
Products Retail Price //this is ok included also in easypopulate
Products Moreinfo
Products Extra1
Products Extra Image
Products Manual
Products Specifications

The problem i am getting is in admin/products/collect_info.php for adding textfield area for products moreinfo here the code below.
<?php echo zen_draw_textarea_field('products_moreinfo[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '100%', '10', (isset($products_moreinfo[$languages[$i]['id']])) ? stripslashes($products_moreinfo[$languages[$i]['id']]) : zen_get_products_moreinfo($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); ?>


The problem I am getting is with the
this is breaking the admin and I get PHP fatal error in my logs pointing to zen_get_products_moreinfo

But when i change
to this
all works apart from it returns product description field instead of the moreinfo field.

I must be doing something wrong i have googled the error but no answers as yet please help.

many thanks