Thank you in advance for helping.. There is a wealth of information available but very boggling as a New Zenner to forage through it all
The Context:
I am trying to set up state tax collection for California customers. I set California up via the Location|Taxes|Tax Rates at a the appropriate percentage. I thought the next step was to then go to Shipping module and activate Zones. So, I set up California as Zone 1 (CA) with the 7.25% needed per product (entered in as .0725) but get a message saying "charges cannot be determined"
I also am setting up the USPS module so only want to utilize the Zones for taxation purposes, fyi.
I know this is probably extremely elemental, any pointers appreciated and patience for such elementary questions especially appreciated.
The Questions
1) What action am I missing that prevents this from working?
2) Is Zen Cart set up so that by using USPS, the shipping charges will be delineated from the appropriate tax?
Would the item appear to the customer as
Item: $XXX
Tax (if any): $XXX
Shipping: $XXX
Total: $XXX
or is the way Zen Cart is configured so that the tax will only show up as "Zone Rate" (which could be confusing though I can get help with modifying text if need be).
thank you in advance good fellow Zenners: