Using FEC. a refresh button appears upon checkout, which is not need. See image attachment.
Thank You
Using FEC. a refresh button appears upon checkout, which is not need. See image attachment.
Thank You
I absolutely love the mod and the idea of store credit. I think I have an error message, can you please tell me what it refers to. Thank you
1146 Table 'bigfoot_zc2.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
[select count(*) as total from zen_customers c left join zen_sc_customers sc on c.customers_id= sc.customers_id ]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
Hi Yellow,
Thanks for the reply. I am currently using 2.13(?) version and did do a quick test with 2.14 and it DID remove the refresh button. Unfortunately I have a custom stacked FEC and have to look into the structure of the two version which seem to have dramatically changed. Not using modules? Not sure on this since I only did a quick test. Thank you for the correct direction in the matter and will update any if need be.
Thanks again
The original had the two template types in one file with stacked at the top and split on the bottom. You should be able to just copy and paste your changes into the new appropriately named file.
Ok ,will look at it. On a separate note
has anyone looked into the sale price credit conversion if a item is on sale? Or will the above fix for attributes work under that?
And finally on the far end of the subject. Is there any possibility of restricting to certain Top Categories or dissallow one top category?
I no longer provide installation support on forum for all my modules. However, if there are real bugs with the modules please feel free to contact me
I have released new versions for both module manager and point reward module.
This should fix all the database patch errors.
I no longer provide installation support on forum for all my modules. However, if there are real bugs with the modules please feel free to contact me
I uploaded the shared class files, the module manager, and v3.01b. But when "installing new module", I got an error relating to not finding table zen_sc_customer. I tried uploading v3.01c files and now I get the error
1017 Can't find file: './[DBNAME]/zen_SC_CUSTOMER.frm' (errno: 2)
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
where [DBNAME] is my database.
The module shows under "list all modules" and now I have access under Modules -> Order Total.
Is that error an issue?
Last edited by duenorth; 7 Apr 2008 at 08:39 AM.