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Hi, I have seen many posts about the following problem in this thread. Obviously it is a common problem, but there is no answer to fix it. I am desperate. I added this mod as the last thing before making my site go live, and now I can't, due to the error. It is not possible to checkout at all.
The error is:
1146 Table :[DBNAME].sc_customers' doesn't exist
[select amount from sc_customers where customers_id = 2
I have uninstalled all the files, and removed the appropriate tables from my database. But I am still getting the error.
I spent over a week uploading over 350 products to my website, and realising this is a database problem, I do not want to have to reload my whole zencart. I have searched this forum, google etc. looking for an answer, but cant find one.
I am desperate, please did anyone find a fix? Any help would be very appreciated.