I enabled the SLL for the site including the admin area.

Changed includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php

The https works fine for the front end; it kicks in on login in and create account.

On the admin side as soon as I input the admin login url it kicks in, I log in , the https is still on. The moment I click any link in the admin, I’m sent back to the login screen.
When I hover over the links in admin I can see that they are all leading to an http:// link.

And I guess since I’m not logged on that level it sends me to log in, and that page defaults to the https://.

Since its giving me this nice little loop, I figure I didn’t define something somewhere.
However as said, I did change both includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php

PHP Code:
// Define the webserver and path parameters
and additionally in the admin/includes/configure.php
PHP Code:
// Use secure webserver for catalog module and/or admin areas?
could someone please help.
