
If you have a form on your ez page or product description page, can you post the form code so I can see how you made it work?

If you can do a simple form that I can put in a product page or ez page and submit it I'd really appreciate it very much.

I'm having problems with a form I put on an ez page and I tried it on the product description area and the forms won't submit. My php code gets all stripped away.

I need help badly on this and I've looked and looked so much, but I haven't found a single page that is a "How-To" for adding "dynamic" data to ez-pages and description pages.

Once I know how to get forms and dynamic data to work on those pages, I'll make a "how-to" and post it here. Since I've already turned my php pages into the shopping cart, it's too late to turn back, not unless I simply use zen cart as the back end and build front store pages with the data I want to show like I did with Dreamweaver and osCommerce.

Someone must have a working form on their product or ez pages. If so, please post a link and explain what you did to make it work. I really need to know how to do this.

Thanks for your valued time.
