
We know that a customer who has NOT been approved as a wholesale customer (eg: not shown as a "1" in using the Dual Cart pricing), cannot see products that have only a wholesale price.

But, if they click on a "Featured Product", they are taken to that product, can see it and can place an order, even though the price is not shown. This has just happened on a site I built for a client.

Is it possible to allow featured products and still prevent customers who are not approved as wholesale customers from seeing and buying those products? If so, how.

The problem here is that while customers who have not been assigned a 1 (or 2,3, or 4) in the "Wholesale pricing level", can view the details of and order wholesale priced products if they are made featured products. I do not want to have to tell the client that they need to remove all featured products.

Thank you,