Ok this has to have already been answered but I can not find it on this site so I am asking at the risk of being burned at the stake. How, and from what file, do I call additional style classes USING the template structure. Basically my template has 4 extra graphics CSS styles that I use to beef up my wrapper using absolute positioning and background images. It doesn't matter where these div's are called within the body but I want them called on each and every page, just like #mainWrapper is.

The good news is that as soon as I decided to quit fighting zen cart and use the outlined overwrite template method my brain stopped swelling and I have made much more progress. I have been able to ad my superfish menu into the tpl_header file and format the wrapper to match the rest of the website, so zen car is going to look less like an ad-on and more like an integral part of my pre-existing site.

Where would I be if it werent for superfish, mailchimp, and zen cart