i really need an urgent answer for this.

I had paypal installed on my zencart but when orders came through the items that were bought were not listed on there and it was not showing up on my orders in zencart.

PI was advised on here to change to express. I have had issues setting this up as my zencart email is one thing and my paypal another. I cannot change my paypal email to match because the confirmation emails are not coming through.

I have been to email options in zencart but the only options there are to change...
Email Address (Displayed to Contact you)
Email Address (sent FROM)

Can anyone tell me an easy step by step of what to do?

Also when I generate my ipn in paypal it is using an old email as the username. Does this matter?

I rreally need help with this as my site has now been offline for 2 days and I am losing money.
