There has been a few different threads on this subject, and I just wanted to show you the method that I used to compy with the EU cookie law on my zen cart site.

[Note: To my understanding, ZenCart itself only uses 'essential' cookies and you do not need to give your visitors an option to allow or block these. But, if like me you use other services that use cookies, then you need to ask your users permission]

I used the free script provided by:
(I am not in any way associated with these people, I just found this site when I was looking for a solution to the EN Cookie Law for my site)

I added basic details of the site cookies on my Terms of Use document. I then wrote an information page specifically on cookies. I didn't need to do this as far as I know, but I wanted to to try and explain to my customers why the 'scary warning box' about cookies.

(1) Figure out what cookies you have on your site. If you are not sure, then you can det details of how to check the cookies on your site at the bottom of the page at

(2) Go to and generate a script for your site. Use the drop down box to pick the cookies that apply to you. For instance, what I did was choose:
i) Choose PHP Session, and marked it as essential
ii) Choose Google Analytics
iii) Choose Custom and fill in some details about Google advertising
iv) Choose custom and filled in some details about ShareThis

(3) You can add your email address if you want, tick the box to accept the terms, then click on the button to generate the script.

(4) Copy the script source down into your text/php editor.

(5) Download the 2 Javascript files they tell you about with the generated code.

For a ZenCart installation, you need to make a couple of simple changes to these, and add them to your ZenCart files.

(1) Rename the 2 Javascript files, by add jscript_ to the start of each name. So now you will have:
i) jscript_jqueryCookieGuard.1.0.min.js
ii) jscript_jquery.min.js

Now upload these 2 files to /includes/templates/MY_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE/jscript

(2) Look at the code that you generated from the cookie guard website, you need to delete the first 2 lines – the ones that indicate the path of the 2 javascript files. You code will now start like this:
(3) Copy the remainder of the script to the following file, and upload it to your server.

That's it!

I did a bit of customisation to mine to add a link to the “Cookie Information” page I wrote. I did this just to try and lessen the 'horror' of a warning poping up on my site.

I edited the file jscript_jqueryCookieGuard.1.0.min.js By adding the following code to it
<br/>In compliance with EU Legislation (<a href="/http-cookies-information">Read More</a>)
directly after the text
You may choose to block non-essential and unknown cookies.

You can see it in operation on my site (Pet Master Pet Food Website), and the cookies information page it links to.

I hope this helps a few people.
