Hi All.


Can seem to get to the bottom of this one. I renewed my SSL cert(cheapssls.com) the other day and I can't get back on track. It was working fine previously and I've renewed once before without this issue so I don't understand why it's different this time. But it is.

Steps taken:
1) renewed cert(including successfully signing and completing all steps required) --The cert itself is working
2) deleted and installed new cert. --control panel @ host confirmed it was successfully installed
3) had host restart apache instance
4) loaded site using https --got mixed secure/non-secure content warning (CTRL+SHIFT+j)

Steps taken to address issue:
1) checked configure.php --OK
2) checked admin --loads in secure and cert checks out(this is how I know the cert is good)
3) had host add "SetEnv HTTPS 1" to virtualhost apache config as per post found in forum

...none has fixed the issue.

There must be something somewhere I haven't thought of looking at...Please help!

Thanks in advance, Phil.