Hello everyone, I'm hoping somebody here can help me out with a few quick questions.

1. I am under the impression that zen cart works with cookies disabled by appending the zenid to the end of the url when cookies are disabled. Is this the way it is supposed to work, or is it insecure to allow this?

2. In the main navigation (tpl_header.php), both the logo and the homepage do not use the zen_href_link function to build their urls, and thus don't include the zenid, breaking the session for those with cookies disabled, is this intentional, or is there a drawback to including the zenid if cookies are disabled (eg using the zen_href_link function to build the links rather than HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG)?

3. There are many other instances of mods, customizations, etc that do not use the zen_href_link function, do I need to find all of them and change them to use this function in order to enable support for those with cookies disabled, or again, is this insecure?

Thanks for your time!