Quote Originally Posted by RixStix View Post
6. UnInstall SQL to undo database changes that were made by an Install SQL
I always have mixed feelings about this. On the surface it seems like the 'right' thing to do, BUT in practice it will often cause unnecessary problems. What often happens is that when people uninstall a module (especially one that has modified the core files) they'll often not do a very good job at restoring back to the pre-install state, so what happens is that if the SQL changes have been 'un done' the *files* themselves could still be referencing the no longer existent DB fields/tables - Causing the site to crash. This can be avoided if the SQL changes were left as they were - and if all the *files* were correctly restored, it isn't going to matter if the DB changes were undone or not. If not it'll just be 'unused' data, and that isn't going to cause a problem for anything.

Just my opinion.


ps. I'll never run an SQL uninstall script until/unless I've 'vetted' it first so that I can be sure that it isn't going to have an unexpected/negative repercussion. Most uninstall scripts I've seen (and created) tend to have very little done in the way of testing. They tend to be pretty 'crude'.