A long time ago, I installed the Easy Signup and Login module/template. It is no longer available/supported apparently, but it still works ok on my store so I don't see the need to change it (yet).

Only today, i realized that while creating an account, the customer needs to fill out a whole lot of information that is totally useless to me. I sell digital products so there is NO shipping whatsoever, and some people don't like to fill that out (not realizing that they CAN put bogus info) that many fields, even more when they want to "purchase" something that is free.

I would like to remove those useless fields. Is it possible?

If not, is there a way not to require them? Currently, when you create an account, only the name and email have a red star identifying them as mandatory, BUT it turns out they are ALL mandatory and the account can't be created without all of them.

And if any of this is possible, would someone be able to point out where i should edit which file.
Thank you.