Hi there

I need some advice and guidance please.

I have installed zen cart and have a selection of products on their.
These products come in different shapes and sizes - and weights too.

Now, i need to set up the site to offer the best postage on items purchased.

I thought that i can have 3 zones for postage.

A- Zone 1 - United Kingdom (We are based in the UK)
B- Zone 2 - Europe
c- Zone 3 - Rest of the world.

I am going to refere to Zone 1 as that will be easy to start with and then if that works i can copy the structure to the remaining Zones.

My question is would you have a flat price for all the goods if it was your shop or would you have individual prices based on the weight with a maximum over all price limit (so the customer is not over paying on the postage) ?

If you would go for the option where you are capping the postage costs and charging for individual postage for each product, would that be done on the weight of each item ?

Just wanted to know how someone else would approach this issue ?

At the moment i have the Royal Mail Postage pluggin installed which is great for UK postage etc but, when it comes to European postage or internation postage there are cheaper couriers.

Any help, advice would be greatly appreciated.
