Quote Originally Posted by delia View Post
Where is the 1.5.5f version? I was waiting for the new version based on what is on the zen cart site, thinking it would be for 1.5.5 and up. If there is a version somewhere else, please tell me.
The 1.55f version didn't get released publicly due to a lack of time and funding. Also the only reason the current 1.56c version isn't backwards compatible is because it ships installed into stock 1.56c files - the overall changes are minimal with this type of shipping module...

Option 1:
Copy all new live site and admin files directly into the same folder locations in 1.55f. The new files will work with 1.55f directly.

File compare core overwrite files:


admin/includes/modules/all files within

Move only the Canada Post tracer changes. If you can't see them, it's easy to file compare a stock 1.56c file with those in this package to find what I've changed - then paste those changes into the same locations in the 1.55f files.

Option 2:
Email me directly for the unreleased 1.55f package... which is identical to option 1 only it's all done for you :)
(Donations appreciated)

Option 3:
Hire a fellow like me to install it or I can upgrade the site to 1.56c before the next php updates get rolled out:
