Hello everybody,

I have just made a Japanese language pack and it has been released in the plugin section:(日本語のv1.5.8言語パックをリリースしました!)
This is an heavy modification of Zen Cart v 1.5.8 (only) but after installing it you should be able to use Japanese in your shop and have name with furigana and addresses properly formated and it includes Japanese shipping modules too for Yamato, Sagawa and Japanese Post.

There are still two 'things to do':
First I plan to make a Japanese version of the Readme explanation file. As I am not so good at explaining in Japanese I will appreciate some help/correction from native speaker.
Secondly I want to optimize calculation algorythms for parcel size. This is more on the long term for this one.

Please if you try/use it I will appreciate any feedback.
And don't hesitate if you have any questions.
Thanks! 宜しくお願いします。