So as the title says, I have a few css issues in my hope to make a really wild edit of the responsive_classic template as i thought it may save me a good old bit of time and so far so good with the exception of 3 issues presently. Can anyone help?

it's 3am and i was hoping to be able to launch this tomorrow as i am running out of time to get ticket sales open and i still have a ticketing module and numinix product fields to install for that module to function, I think that will take time itself. I also still need to draft all the delivery terms, privacy ect too and style every page after the home page that needs tweaking :s Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction? i'm going to start the module installs and hope someone can spare a few to give some help to a newb whilst i try and complete a new task :) issues are as follows that i'm stuck with...

1. I have a "skull_container" that well.. contains a skull and took hours to figure out how to do and set nice. Somehow my pages bar just below the header has decided to suddenly shift from left to centre so my only page link is actually under the skull, no idea if that is css or stylesheet as i have genuinely never planted a skull in the centre of a website before, hence never having this issue before :s

2. I had some kind of issue that took a day to resolve where i had white banners, i installed the stripe module which (i'm assuming) has now brought back the return of said white bars. I assume there is now possibly a neat payment types graphic hiding under my tagline wrapper (which is now in the footer along with some huge social media fa icons) and i'm unable to see it too click inspect to be able to increase the z-index so i can see it and style it??

3. Adobe fonts... grrrrrr!! 2 fonts, one typekit url and one loads on mobiles but the other refuses. the tagline works but i only see the font if i use a mobile emulator in chrome or on desktop, when i try my s23 and my mate tried on his iphone that font is point blank refusing to load and when i asked adobe... they terminated the chat after telling me i was on the wrong page, fair enough... shame the link lead me back to the page i contacted them through. I feel like i'm going to be forced to buy the license for the font if i want to keep it as i've tried that long to get it too work :/ font is "chinese rocks" and i did try to find a google alternative yesterday, i spent hours looking for a font i liked, don't fancy doing that again in all honesty

Any help would be really appreciated.