If I was using zen 1.58 and was using numinix product fields to fetch the images correctly too run a product feed of mixed images (self hosted and off site) and then upgraded zencart and ditched numinix product fields, would this possibly be why my gpsf2 fully skips almost every off site image??

I can see the issues and cause but i'm unsure how to proceed or if id need to tweak gpsf2 also to get the results i need?

Here's my current train of thought...

I am thinking if i can successfully reintegrate npf into my 1.58a I could then change the following....


Line # 114 :                 $this->feedParameters['type'] = 'documents';
too include my extra definitions...

Line #3 :     'BOX_HEADING_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES' => 'Documents',
as follows....


Line # 114 :                 $this->feedParameters['type'] = 'documents', 'Documents';
which would allow me too ensure these details are passed too it in the codeboxes below?

Somehow I actually have the additional fields showing on my crazygamer site but not on my other site i posted about the other day.. ironically one site has what the other should have whilst the other is failing to presently load in the admin panel, it seems npf may be needed but possibly not installed but the remnants which add the product fields i need are still there or now standard fields included in a Zen cart setup since 1.58??

I notice I have gtin which was "v_gtin" on my old site which is no longer showing up on my crazygamer site so i assume my admin panel is down on my project because i have everything in place but the extra fields?? My upgrade seemed to have missed a few important tasks once everything seemed to be working ok. I also have a javascript reflow error on my home page and all seem to be related issues.

I have the following at present appearing on my live stores product listing page.... but i believe i originally had an images_url field also

Products Shipping Weight:
Category Code:
Event Date:
Event Location:
Event Name:
Event Time:
Ticket Type:
Sort Order:
but i believe i originally had an images_url field which would allow the older gsf to merrily include that info. I'm not entirely sure how i still have some of the extra fields as i did not do the upgrade but if i can find out i resolve all my issues possibly?