I have over 4000 items, many of which are linked from the Master Category to other Categories, in some cases up to 5 other categories. With Apsona, I was able to get a download of all relevant fields, and most importantly a column which showed a string of all categories the product was listed in, similar to this:
"INGE-GLAS of GERMANY: Everyday Treasures:INGE-GLAS of GERMANY: Western:THEMES: Down on the Farm:INGE-GLAS of GERMANY: Retired Inge-Glas: Everyday Treasures"

...where each of the links are separated by a colon. The beauty of this capability was not only in getting a full listing of categories, but also being able to edit the string to add a category to multiple items and upload, rather than go through the addition process item by item.

With ZC V158, Apsona went away; DbIo only seems to list the Master Category, and even if it gave me all of the categories (which it doesn't), I would have to upload the entire file even if I only edited a few products' categories (you can only edit the Master Category, which is dangerous), and Easy Populate seems not to support ZC 158.

What other options do I have, or am I Sorta Outta Luck?

Or is there is a super-coder out there who can solve my problem with a ZC158-Apsona-like-Clone? My needs are not limited to only Categories, but to most of the other fields as well; Categories is just the immediate need.
