Quote Originally Posted by immortalgames View Post
I have done a fresh install of zc since my old php versions are no longer supported. Then restored my zc 155 database. my problem is my products do not show up in there categories on the store front, but show up on the store front as new products. also my products do not show up at all in admin area, or in categories or as products of thoses categries in admin area at all.

can somone please guide me to a fix for this.

server information/ specs and php versions can be posted upon request.
I *have* read all of the other posts, but the linked database data is no longer available for perusal (hopefully it did not include customer data). I don't see though, what process was used to obtain the "backup" of the previous/old database to be able to indicate whether a step (option) was missed in backing up the database, if a table did not get restored, if a table existed and did not get its data replaced or if in adding data from the recovered database new record designations were assigned that caused a loss of correlation between product and category.

In the more recent versions, queries were modified to require relationships to exist in order to retrieve results as compared to older versions that allowed a lapse of relationship within the admin. At least in the older versions, data could be retrieved and issues corrected by pushing the correct relationship where found to be broken. Now, unexpected results occur which requires one to dig into the database more in order to resolve the issue.

As you show in your images, in the admin there appear to be product and there appear to be categories. On the catalog side, there appear to be product in categories.

From those conditions, it appears to me that product have master_categories assigned, categories exist, but the table products_to_categories does not have appropriate information to represent the product/category relationships.

If that is true, there are ways to restore the relationships using one or more sql queries at least to restore primary relationships with linked product to be rebuilt separately. Such would be simpler if that table is/was in the 155 version of the sql.