ZC 1.5.8a
PHP 7.4.33
bootstrap 3.6.4
Options' Stock Manager

All mods are current from forum Plugins not Github

Don't think this is a boostrap problem but bootstrap and MagicThumb are not doing well together. I have removed MagicThumb for now.

This site if fed by an Excel file from the manufacture with generally four to five images of each product. The original is in the format XXXX####.jpg where XXXX is the product code and #### is the model number. The additional images are in the format XXXX####_L.jpg where L is a through c or d depending on whether there are four or five total images.

Zen Cart has no problem with properly labeling and showing the images as set witht the original as the main images and the underscores as additionals with their L in alphabetical order as expected.

The problem lies in that Zen Cart is overzealous in trying to select images for a product.

If you go to the site and search for 11, you will be shown eight items with 11 in the model number.

Clicking on the first available, results in the product page for STTK110. HOWEVER, the first set of additional images for the item are for STTK1100. It also shows images for 1101 thru 1109.

The selection is basing the results on 110 being anywhere in the image's filename. Since it is NOT showing images for 1110, we can assume (I know) that it looks at the images from the front of the image name until the first character/number does not match.

That is reinforced by the fact that, when selecting the second choice of STK1100, it results in a proper product listing of only the images matching sttk1100.jpg or sttk1100_L.jpg.

I have not experienced this before as we have been using responsive_classic with MagicThumb (a commercial image handler). It's selection proces works with responsive_classic but not with bootstrap.

I am hoping to find a way to modify the selection process to more correctly select images for a product. With over 2,000 products in a feed, it is impossible to try to manipulate image naming so that products starting with 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 would not show images not related to them.

Is it a simplle matter of having the search only look for a strict match from the filename beginning to the . or _?

Is there a change to the #image_modal that could accomplish this or is in the main zen_image? Perhaps a change in the includes/functions/
