I've submitted a new template for download. It can be found here

-based off template_default ZenCart v1.3.5
-tested great in Firefox
-tested great in IE 6*
-has NOT been tested in IE 7
-tested great in Opera
-includes preview picture
-includes needed css and common files
-includes readme file with instructions and suggested settings

*I never did address the issue brought up in this thread
because I simply coudln't replicate the problem.

Anyhow, this is a simple template and I hope someone out there can make use of it!

You can give it a test drive at
(at least till I take it down!)
It's just the basic ZenCart demo store, so don't you dare try to buy "Bugs Life" from me. I wont send it!

Any feedback would be appreciated, especially should you find any errors.

