Hello All,

I've searched this forum and come up with some threads that mention what I want to do but do not give the actual solution. I'm finding the need to go in a release a gift certificate a bit tedious. I read one thread where it's stated that's there to prevent fraud but I'm not extremely concerned about that. I'm more concerned that a customer will pay for a gift certificate at some time when I'm not monitoring the site, and will be angry that they can't immediately send it to their friend/loved one because I haven't released it. I wear many hats in my organization and this is a task I just don't have time for.

Now all that being said... is it possible to have the gift certificate released as soon as the purchase is approved? Even better I wish I could find a way for them to put in the intended recipient email during purchase and have the whole thing happen with one big SHAZZAM!

Anyway, does anyone have any advice for me? Much appreciated.
